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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
CANCERBUDDY..... cancer guy said he didnt liek the way i kissed, so he wasnt going to anymmore, cuz it was a turn off... and that was that.
i rather get stabbed with a knife. lol
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Yup Nic but it was a few years back and he was young and I was somewhat younger than now LOL....I also like to take the initiative (shy Leo that I am) and so far its so much more fun than being chased (although having said that, I wouldn't mind a bit of that from Mr Libra). The drink thing? yeah thinking back now?? kinda sleazy but again I didn't have to drink them!!! LOL. I believe in accepting responsibility for one's owns actions.
Thanks QS and nic - so are libs really worth it? takes a while huh. i feel like if i leave him alone he'll just walk away and wont persue. how can i get him interested again? I read your threads - amazing how they are all the same. I DO wanna do this.
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Ok, my turn again it looks like. One of the other fantasies I fulfilled:
Ok it was about two years ago when I was modeling. I was approached by a photographer who was trying to get his feet off of the ground, he already had some female models lined up but needed a male. this is how I got involved in the modeling thing altogether. We both had day jobs for a local private education company and he asked me to come over to his place to talk about the possibilities with him. Well to make that short, I looked over some of his work and was impressed, looked over the contracts and liked what I saw so I told him I was down. Well, two of the models were sisters, and he was big on making sure everyone was comfortable around each other so he threw a party at his friends house who was his editor and invited the models including myself along. Well were all having a good time and a few drinks and he breaks out the camera and we start going over ideas. He is a great photographer, but I ended up setting up a lot of the shots, I have an eye for that kind of thing. I was getting brave and setting up some pretty intimate shots between me and the two girl models who were sisters. Well, they start getting a little kinky and break out the fish nets and electrical tape and are pretty much teasing the hell out of me, but they are both doing it equally and they are sisters so I decide to play it safe and not what is panning out to be a good chance with either of them. We got a few good shots for the night, got aquainted, had a good time and went home.
Well between that and the first actual shoot, the photographer (Leo male) is playing both me and the sisters, trying to create a little drama. They both bite and they end up getting in this huge argument over me (one is a Leo, the other is an Aqua). Well, I decide to make the decision easy, the Aqua had an on again off again boyfriend which is baggage I wasn't interrested in and the Leo was single. And lets face it they were both modeling so I wasn't going to go wrong either way.
The photographer throws another party at his place and just the Leo model of the two were there. We start chatting it up, walk around, go back to the party and are sitting on the couch and she kisses me. Well, her intentions are pretty transparent so I pick her up in my arms and take her to the back bedroom of the place at the party and we do through the whole repitoir of sexual possibilities....
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Aug 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 184 · Topics: 38
What are reasons you'd leave a relationship?
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1252 · Topics: 17
Damn, Cappy is home... Let's see what he wants...
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Dec 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
Oh please. EVEN an idiot could call someone else an idiot w/out any need for thought!
If it took thought for you to call someone else an idiot, and you're not suppose to even be one yourself, then how pitiful is that?
only idiots are idiotic enough to call someone else an idiot because they themselves haven't learned that they gain NOTHING from calling someone else an idiot! now think about that!