Posted by RicherCapI don't want to purpose marriage as I don't really see her as the mother of my future children however I'd be lying though if I said I didn't consider her to be possible a long time sexual partner.Posted by AdreamuponwakingSo instead of bringing her home and fucking her you told her she couldn't. So the reality is you don't want to fuck herPosted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflakeWe had dinner and she tried making up an excuse to stay at my place for the night.I made up an excuse and told her she couldn't.Posted by AdreamuponwakingPosted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflakeI just jokingly proposed to her underneath her most recent Instagram picture.
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
If she joking responds back or responds at all I think I'm in the green.
If she doesn't then I got my
But honestly, I don't care anymore.I can't play it cool anymore.
Good. You have to get things moving with a Pisces. Because while you are waiting on bated breath, someone else will step right in. Luck favors the bold with us. While you're waiting for the perfect timing or perfect set up, some masculine sun guy will have beat you to the punch. Make your interest clearly known and get this train in motion.
Instead you want to propose marriage, take her to morroco, pose as a secret admirer bla bla
If I was her I would be fucking nervous around you tooclick to expand