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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Let's get rid of all Virgo's
Thread started by CaprigirlwithVirgo
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 27
Uh. Well, Aries lets alot of things go unsaid. Just as your Pisceans think everyone should just know how you feel, Aries thinks everyone should just know what they think/why they think it.
Alot of times when I feel vulnerable, I just get loud and overbearring. Seems to effectively get people off my back. It's totally a defense mechanism; we don't even realize we're doing it till what we thought we wanted is achieved (ie being left alone)
But what you need to know is that all those times he says he doesn't want to be with you, secretly he's off dreaming about you. About being safe. And understood.
The thing is that this will only work if you're both willing to fight for it. It takes alot of change on both parts to make it work.
A tip: Be there for me and let him know you're safe. BUT. Don't be TOO available. Personally, when my fishy tries to be all lovey dovey out of the blue, I get suspicious. I am always in the mindset that THEY are the enemy - they meaning everyone, lol. It sucks.
Try letting him come to you. It will be terrifying for him, but. If he really wants you, he'll let you know. If it's one thing Aries is never unable to do, it's fighting for what he wants. Besides, he'll love the chase. Don't ever let your Aries man think you're an easy catch. You always have to be a little bit mysterious.
And you have to admit, being a bit confused is a major part of the attraction, is it not?
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 27
Dude. James Blunt. "Beautiful." Haha.
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 27
Fire and ice, babe. Trust me, you'll KNOW.
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Dec 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 867 · Topics: 39
Yes Virgoess you speak the truth..If I must revert to my "logical" nature, then I would have to cionclude that it is totally "illogical" to disregard the spiritual aspects of our beings. Religion in itself, is man-made, owned, and operated. Spirituality is of ones self and cannot be given or taken away by anyone. I think (but that's MY thought) that you either have this deep connection or you don't. Religion wouldn't exist, (certainly not so many of them) if man was not searching out something he feels in his soul to be beyond his own comprehension. Man has simply tried several ways to put spriituality in a box, and no matter what they try, it won't fit.
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Jun 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 73
You can't conclude that a Aries isn't in a perticulair sign !
Somebody could be Capicorn, but if he /she has a fire Asc or Moon than that would change the whole thing !
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Jun 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 73
infatuation ?
(Can't get it translated) what do you mean !?
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Jun 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 73
indeed she is beautifull. but i don't think James Blunt is a appropiate song for this issue. Since i have to be at school by 9 o clock i have a fair chance to see her again. Still i have this feeling she will show up at the BluesRoute this year in my village, just like last year ...