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Apr 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 525 · Topics: 12
"Wow that's spooky, never met anyone off here with such similar placements."
Same Mars , Jupiter and Saturn too it seems.
Oh my god Gemini girl?Kso many stories r the same thing he put me thru..
I told him dude I am not the jelouse type and I am not if I know ur mine I really don?_t care what u do? guy lets call him P anyways P is in a band so my friend had a thing for the drummer she would call P for advise on the drummer. My friend told me that he was flirting with her and I said I didn?_t really care as long as things didn?_t get out of hand?Kwell one day I am at his house and he looks at me point blank..and said he slept with her? I smiled and said wow I hope she was as good as I am?Khe looked at me like he seen a ghost ..he was expecting a reaction but I didn?_t give in?K.
Once he told me he was leaving for work at 6am so I thought being the nice sweet person I am since I was driving by his house that morning to see my doctor I would stop by the bus stop to give him some coffee?Khe wasn?_t there so I said ok I?_ll go to his house?Kthe front door was unlocked and I walked in?KBIG MISTAKE!! His bedroom door was shut so I went in ?KI stood there and said hey wake up?Khe screamed as I must of scared the living day lights out of him and he just started to yell Get out Get out..and I reacted saying ok I?_ll leave but do you want the coffee he took it I left?Kwell 2 weeks went by and he finally called laughing how I dropped coffee off but couldn?_t realize why I would do that?KI explained that I am like with everyone I know?Kfr that point on he calls me psycho but in a fun way.
We really haven?_t left his place as he doesn?_t have a cash flow coming in so we wouldn?_t really do anything and he has to much pride to let me pay for anything..once he asked me to pick him up some milk so I spend 100.00 on groceries again pisces helping others..OMG when I walked in he screamed how he is a man and doesn?_t need a women to give him food he didn?_t ask for that blaw blaw blaw?Kso I stood there again and said ?? Sweetie trust me I didn?_t want to get these for you but it was on special so I thought I would do you a favour?? ? Then he was all like Oh ok?K.a few days later he said how he had the best pork chops ever?Kthe ones I bought and thanked me for it..
My P aries man is not all bad and even tho I know he has issues I do love this guy a lot..i am sure he felt something genuine about me aswell I could tell just by the way he would look at me?Khe wouldn?_t tell me how beautiful I was or anything like that but he would make coments on how I dressed how he li
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1252 · Topics: 17
It seems like his "balanced scales" are a bit unbalanced to me. Maybe they got stuck and no longer have their previous fluidity. Personally, I would try giving one of them a really hard "whack" to see if it unsticks them...
Perhaps that is why I do not have a set of scales of my own (balanced or unbalanced). It might be best not to listen to that advice. Anyway, hopefully Nic should chime in with some insightful Libra assistance.
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Apr 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 525 · Topics: 12
...and Neptune to boot.
Also when we stopped talking and he called me back?I gave him a hard time..i told him I don't give 2nd chances etc?how he had his turned and messed up?we spoke every second day for like 2 hrs on the phone..he even started talking like remember when..i couldn't remember some of the stories he was talking about and he got offenended like how could u forget?after it came to me..he practically told me that I some of the stuff we did in the bedroom where fantises he never thought he could live as he was almost ashamed of them?.so I thought It was all about s*x.but he kept fighting and chasing me until I went over and we where intimate..thats when he became an ass again.. that's where I currently stand with him
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Dec 13, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 131 · Topics: 20
He does disappear (well, I don't know if you'd call it disappear). But basically I'm not in touch with him for days or sometimes weeks (although usually no longer than two weeks or so). And then we he does call or we get together it is as though we haven't been apart from each other.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
We spoke two weeks ago. I left the message Sunday night.
It isn't really a relationship. I am dating someone else. I am trying to save the friendship.
My best friend and I have a working theory of why he has done this.
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1158 · Topics: 16
...and you know what he is doing during that time?
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
You got yourself another Virgo guy. Wow! Good luck to you. Virgos are awesome guys. I'd date one if I got a chance again. Keep up the good work.
This Leo guy of yours is a waste of time. He needs to get his act together. I tell you some men never grow up. You deserve a MAN, not an immature guy.