Aries - need help w/Pisces...please

Thx Freebird! You know we Aries like that attention! lol

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: ) Yes, I like that idea too! Although he's so uptight about me that he might think I was assaulting him. Evil stinging scorpio. I would have to time it perfectly!
I end up writing A LOT about my feelings. That is my only clear way and opportunity to express them. I will ask if he's willing to read them and perhaps share. Many (many) years ago when I was feeling frustrated he suggested I journal, but because of some academic experience with a certain type of journaling he said he wasn't interested in anything I had written. He is soooo stuborn in his ideas! I am also stubborn. Sigh..........
Being in real true love kinda sucks, doesn't it? It's like all rationality goes right out the damn window and you find yourself doing ridiculous things..crazy things...things you could only dream of.
it's really a powerful thing. all those songs you hear about the power of love. they are so freakin true.
you could move mountains with it....or at least risk your damn life, and not bat a damn eyelash....
crazy really
"Being in real true love kinda sucks, doesn't it? "
Do U think itz actually true Jenna ? I feel that itz escapism.
earth sign...
they never complain... never critisize... as Virgos
Hmmmm....just reading through this post and DD voice here reminds me so much of ALV - so, I checked out her IP (she is currently using two of them) the Ip that ends with 146.......what a ka-wink-a-dink!!!!! 71 posts and most of them are from ALV -
Sometimes I wonder if these posts are just fantasy stories.....too weird.
I won't incriminate myself until I hear from all my fellow crazy AZZ arians.
She saw a tiger sitting on her bed. Can U help ?
X-posted at Scorpio board:
Hello, I posted quite a bit in the summer and got some great support and advice. Thanks! To sum up, my Libra husband had carried on a long distance relationship with an old girlfriend. He implied things were bad and potentially ending for us eventually. Things were somewhat rocky at the time, but as an introspective scorp i was trying tofigure things out and needed some space and time. Things got stickly when they were actually discussing sneaking around to meet is she could travel to the states or that he could meet her in Europe. (Right, I would never suspect anything! HAA) As the reality of these plans became to stark, he freaked out and ended the relationship. I knew they were in contact and always have given LIbra his space to keep his important friendships alive. I knew she had relalationship issues but he always implied that she was the one in pursuit. I understand that he was the one who created the opening for this fantasy. So anyway, he ended it and did not tell me. I found over a year since that time because his email was open. Well, time went by and we had a ceremony this fall where he burned her letters and emails and in my hopes and dreams I imagined that we could be closer and make an attempt at a fresh start.
Enter trouble: I am a scorp that has difficulty with intimacy and sexuality at times. When we are not connecting well on a daily basis in common everyday ways, I feel rejected. I have not been holding back affection much but I feel slighted as a whole person. We both want sex but, he says he's tired of foreplay that (because) I'm too difficult to please. For the last couple of years I've been having sex w/o much foreplay. It usually works out fine for us but I lack a certain desire. I am always trying to improve our relationship on my end but if he's the 'scales', his balancing act is to say I'm in my head too much and am too sensitive. I want to forgive him for the past and move on but, I feel like he's given up on me. I am attempting to live in the present, he's the one who brings up the past and how we're just going around in circles, revisiting the old issues.
I don't know if there's anything to salvage. We have some very compatible aspects in our charts and a couple of danger signs. Sometimes I think the issues are more female/male then astrological. What do you think? Last night we decided we are probably not soul-mates. He and his ex-communicated like they were.
I dunno....everything I do is "crazy" and I wouldn't have it any other way and I'm always in LOVE......honestly, I think - for an Aries, love and crazy are just part of our make-up.
What an awesome way to live! Winking
do something over the top.
like the way you see guys in the movies sit outside their woman's window and serendade...except not exactly that of course.
try to be more feminine about it, but certainly passionate! Winking