Scorpio placements and personal magnetism

Posted by PootyButt
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by PootyButt
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheGreatSearcher
I have Mars in Scorpio and I don't attract anybody.
It's because your shitty personality!

And not Mars in Scorpio!
Could you please stop picking on him! You're old enough to be his grandmother, and he's more mature than you are.
Unlike others I don't have filing system with members info!

And as snotty and nasty this thing is - I don't give a damn about his age. He could be lying so booty ain't will stand up for him! Or do you even know it's a boy?

And one more - o don't take le tiring slightly so you wasting your breath!
Well, I do practically have a filing cabinet in my brain, and after trying to file you under "fun but unpredictable" I've decided to move you to the "crazy" file for now.

click to expand
You could ask around and not to put strain on your brain!

Why haven't you told your little freak nephew to behave himself?

He is talking to