Same birthday/chart and attraction

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Undine
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Undine
While on rebound after my Aqua left me, I saw a very similar looking man on a dating site. Went on a date with turned out he was not only similarly looking, but also born within 3 days of my ex (and of my Gem's ex girlfriend)!

So....were we attracted? Not al all...I left the date early. Gem's ex that is another story...I really like that nutter.

So how does it make sole mates?

If some have this strong connection because Mars in Venus or whatever that makes them meant to be - all of a sudden doesn't work?

With time, maybe?

Strong connections need months to build, if not years. Assuming that one person is not at a point in their life when they are losing nutter Big Grin
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I thought sole mates fact doesn't have to develop. It's just hit you and you are done!

That would be insanity, not soulmates Scared