Brazilian waxing

Posted by aquarius09
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by aquarius09
If you get an ingrown where the sun don't shine (areas you can't see or reach), you're open to getting a Bartholin cyst. I got Brazilian twice successfully without any problems but, the third time I developed discomfort around my labia majora. Upon a visit to the doctor, I discovered that I had an ingrown that I detected just in time. Otherwise it was going to turn into a painful cyst filled with abscess. I stick to shaving or trimming now.

Sorry for grossing you out but that was educational, wasn't it?
The thing about all this stupid shit is that people are just stupid about all of it.

That hair is meant to be there for a reason. Keeping things trim is one thing, but this bare shit so you look like a 5 year old is just overkill and totally a societal brainwashing. It's also really gross if you have a dude who prefers your vagina look like a prepubescent child's.

To each their own, but people need to be more aware of the issues that arise from this overkill in "grooming."

Cysts, stds, ingrown hairs, all of that nonsense is increased when you keep fucking with everything.

+1000. Moreover, I looked up surveys as to what men preferred down there and majority wanted clean and trimmed hair down there. Biology prevails. What was interesting was that not a lot of men wanted it hairless so I wondered why people were even doing it. The answer is porn.


They're also noticing a trend where hair is coming "back in" as far as preference goes. Tbh, it seems as if most guys dgaf just as long as things are tidy and neat. Just more bs pushed by the beauty industry and insecure females upon other females.

And if this is a actually a chick's preference, there's nothing wrong with that. I just get unnerved and annoyed when women are doing it because somewhere along the line, society told them that their lady bits aren't good enough unless waxed/shaved/all that shit, just like in teh pronz. Just like they're told they're not good enough if they aren't skinny and slathered with makeup, or wearing revealing clothing. If you don't do any of this, then men won't like you.

If anyone has actually experienced life, they'd realize that most guys really don't give a shit overall.

Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I mentioned this before somewhere but after having a boy, I can't stand shaved men.. I saw there were some guys saying the same thing when they had daughters.

click to expand
I'm not a huge fan of shaved dudes either. I don't hate it, but they don't have to go and do that. Neat and trim is just fine. I was with a dude who did that because he thought I'd like it and it's like... kay, you didn't have to go out of your way to do that. :/

...if anything I was more concerned. They have so much more loose skin to nick with a razor haha.