What are the lessons you have learned from relationships ?

Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by kissmygrits
Every part of a relationship changes by a choice. There are no victims. Own up to derping every once in a while.
Except the bullied, the abused, and those who are raped by their SO.

Those are without a doubt, victims, but how they decide upon their future and the choices they make will empower them to be otherwise. However, I do not think their experiences should be minimised. To say they were not victims, means they brought it upon themselves, and they did not.

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Well yes I'm stating for the individual. Majority never takes responsibility. It's always the other person. Nobody ever looks in the mirror and raises hand "my bad". It's not always the other but themselves sabotaging something good.

Abuse is totally different and the abused needs to get help to exit stage left asap.

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Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by kissmygrits
Every part of a relationship changes by a choice. There are no victims. Own up to derping every once in a while.
Except the bullied, the abused, and those who are raped by their SO.

Those are without a doubt, victims, but how they decide upon their future and the choices they make will empower them to be otherwise. However, I do not think their experiences should be minimised. To say they were not victims, means they brought it upon themselves, and they did not.

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Well yes I'm stating for the individual. Majority never takes responsibility. It's always the other oerson. Nobody ever looks in the mirror and raises hand "my bad". It's not always the other but themselves sabotaging something good.

Abuse is totally different and the abused needs to get help to exit stage left asap.