Posted by aquarius_beautyI'm anxious bc I'm wishing for it. I've been single for a long time and unsuccessful in relationships. He's the first guy I've dealt with and things still look good. I'm just hoping we get to that pointPosted by goldrockettAre you anxious because you wish for it too or because you're afraid it might?Posted by aquarius_beautyWell we have been intimate in the midst of dating for 3 months. But we did talk last night a bit and he told me that he likes where things are going and that he really likes me a lot. I'm following my heart but I'm so anxious for things to get deeper between he and I. I am a TaurusPosted by goldrockettAquas don't like wasting our time or energy on anyone. (unless they just want to have sex and are 'players). but they don't show irregular consistency for three months. If we go out on a date with you and we don't feel that connection we will make half ass excuses to see you again. 3 months is definitely a good sign. don't listen to what other people say. follow your heart.Posted by aquarius_beautyI sooooo agree with you !! 3 months is too soon. I'm listening to these ppl basically bashing me bc they think he's playing me or whatever bc 3 months " is too long to be dating ". I'd rather take my time as yourself to make sure this would be something that'd last a long time as well. I don't handle breakups well myself.
Look. One thing I learned about people is no two people are alike therefore no relationship will be either. As far was what people say, I have NEVER heard that. 3 months is way too soon. I mean you're just touching the surface of a person why on earth would you jump into one.
When I was dating my ex it took us 10 months to be official. Was talking to a Leo and it took over a year for me to finally decide that it's what I wanted. Unfortunately, neither relationship worked out.
I'm not one to jump in quick into a relationship. I try to avoid the heartbreak of attachment when dealing with people. Breakups are messy and hurtful. If i'm just dating you with no 'official' label. It makes walking away a lot easier. Call me a coward, but it's just the way I am.
Aquarius will take their time in getting to know their potential SO. We want to make sure you're worthy of us sacrificing our freedom for you. This takes a lot of thinking time.
So I understand completely. Me still being in the picture with my Aquarius 3 months in is a good sign to me.
whats your sign btw?click to expand