What Planets in zodiac/houses and house placement gives you your most unique outstanding qualities

Posted by St_MicJupiterLeo11th
Do you have any star qualities or powerful placements in your chart and describe the traits. I have Jupiter in Leo 3rd decanant(Mars/Aries) as you know both Leo n Aries have strong leadership qualities and rules over Kingdom. The 11th house Leo makes me very confident and creative n Loyal to groups n friends and Jupiter their may bring fortune to my goals and wishes n with Mercury R- took a long time of suffering and redoing stuff to master communication to the point where I can use it noticeably in public in front of the masses as my north node in Capricorn gives a future related to a good career of my exact choice somehow relating to the public n masses (Capricorn) but in my 4TH HOUSE I have to accumulate my career success, wealth by working at home and learning to use my home to my advantage. Basically if I put enough money into a nice living environment, buying alot of nice possessions like Astrology books n spending alot of time and effort and on my passions- Astrology, playing guitar n singing/piano- I can make any of my dreams come true. And as Virgo is pretty much my Ascendant(3rd decanant Taurus) also is an earth sign ruling over money and material possessions. I was famous n very noticable in public in my last life n that's my south node so it's a habit for me to act and look like a star but I shouldn't worry bout becoming famous, because If I succeed at home like I'm supposed too, fame can manifest from their.

I think that you need to study more, Astrology is more than you wrote there

Just to give you an example, the North Node moves slowly, based on what you said, everybody with Capricorn North Node (I have that too) would have a good career.

North Node is about the lessons your soul wants you to learn in this lifetime.