I need to be able to communicate this without hurting his feelings. I want us to get stronger. How do I get him to open up to me. I feel he is distant and uncommunicative in these matters. I know asking and asking will only push him away this I have learned. I dont know if he really wants me anymore. And I dont know how to feel differently.
I do have a counselling appointment but would appreciate any insight any could offer.
Marina wrote:
"I've heard people say that it might depend on the time you were born.
I was born at night so that might explain it."
Yeah, I've wondered about that, too. I was born at 12:21am and I'm a night owl--always have been. My mom, however, was born at 8:somethingam and she's definitely an early bird.
Though if I'm looking forward to doing something on a certain day, I'll get ready to go out before noon. I rarely wake up early for funsies.
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Well ladies and gents,
Its pretty late in the afternoon here (I know you have yet to experience V.Day), however, I've lost hope and my decision has been made....I give up on Mr. Libra.
I've pretty much done all the things suggested on here - to a fault *rolls eyes*, I know there is something between us but just not enough for him to make a move or make me feel secure....he knows how I feel and continues to keep me hanging while he, well I dunno what he's doing.
Just now I've checked (not that I've done much of that in the past few weeks) and there he is online on his singles sites at work (yes I know Im at work too but this isn't a singles site even though Nic might think so LOL). Its Valentines Day and he's got enough time to go on there and chat to all and sundry or whatever he does on there but not enough time or thought to even just send me a text to say "hope you're having a nice day, thinking of you"....he only sends texts when he wants to hook up....he's so damned good at sending texts - THAT's how he communicates and goes to show how sad it really is. I never wanted flowers, nor a card, nor anything, just a thought from him woulda been good - glad I went shopping for myself though LOL
Unfortunately I have the answer I am looking for - just took me a bit longer than most to figure out I have no hope with this one....pity he gave off all those signs though and yep some of them were VERY obvious....he really isn't in the right place and he's got me there just in case, but I can't continue this way...I have to pull away from him totally. I can't call him or text or email to say its over, Im just going to disappear coz to think strangers online are more important on this one day??? whatever!!! Im sure my disappearance won't be noticed, let's face it, he hasn't bothered to think of me today or the previous 2 weeks prior to the last time we hooked up - oh yeah, they are great times but yeah....you all know where Im coming from here....Im just the girl he wants to snuggle up to, etc when he's had enough of being alone every couple of weeks.
Anyway up and on.
Thanks for all your support, etc....I did enjoy the ride while it lasted but this could last for years and he'd be happy with that but at the end of the day, Im not happy...I miss him, think of him every day, would drop what I was doing to go and see him but he doesnt want or ask for any of that. I give up!!
some are kinky and some aren't. i ran across a thread about virgo's kinkiness on another board, it went on for pages...and yeah, there are some REALLY kinky ones out there. i think the whole clean-cut look throws people off. virgos are known to swing from end of the pendulum to the other, the whole virgin/vixen thing.
based on all the responses that i've ran across in other forums, virgos and pisces take the cake when it comes to the kink factor, followed by sags and gems. whoa, just noticed that all of them are mutable! but aries and scorpios are most sexual.
Height: between 6'1" & 6'4"
I'm 6'0", and I want a guy who can wrap me in his arms. I'm not anti-short, but I strongly prefer tall men. The shortest guy I went out with was 5'9", the tallest was 6'4".
Build: athletic/slim/slender & toned, not muscular
Loooooong legs, nice arms and strong, manly hands with a gentle touch, too, please. Mmmm. He just has to be fine all around, heh.
If any of you know who Gale Harold is (best known for his role as Brian Kinney in Queer As Folk US), that's my ideal man. Yes, yes.
i think mars in sag would be best because its a mutable sign and can adapt more easily. mars is ruled by aries, and so it is easily expressed in this sign. however, in my opinion, because it is a cardinal mode, the energy gets depleted quickly because aries likes to move on and doesn't necessarily see things through sometimes, unless you have other personal planets in fixed mode. mars in leo needs to watch out for stubborness, and because of this the native may sometimes "fall from grace" due to their pride and arrogance. mars is exalted in capricorn, and so the energy does well in this sign too because despite cap being a cardinal, the planet saturn withstands time. but of course, these are just my interpretations. i think mars can be well utilized in the fire element, but there are pros and cons included with each sign.
Signed Up:
Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
^Woot! I have Mars in Sag.