Your Music

Mozart's Piano Sonata KV 333, Allegro
When the day's had too many silly people, voices, talk and opinions that what I go back to...

Related Messages

Happy Now Tongue
Hi LS. I think you are right about embarrassing her. I have known her for a long time and luckily she emailed me with a request that she "doesn't want to fight". I think it is free pass this time because she knows I am a true friend and a typical Aries, leading with the horns. I told her I was sorry I was harsh. She came back later with some normal chatter.
I waffled and sent my love Libra a "where are you" note and she responded. She said she gets overwhelmed and freezes. I can't read her but she has said to me over and over she "loves" our writing connection. She freezes because she doesn't think what she writes sounds as beautiful as my writing. Help me more please. How long will she go along with this email romance? Is it a good fit getting to know each other via email? How can I keep her interested? We are keeping it sweet, innocent, and not to heavy as far as a love connection because it is email and we live some distance from each other. She lives kind of far away but I just got official work from anywhere status and I could go for extended visits if we get closer. I'm even learning patience in this forum waiting for libras to help. It is all good...thank you for helping.
capricorn women
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Turn me on in bed
Salad gets tossed for you
?I need someone physically stronger than me.... I am always on top. It's really unfortunate. I am begging for the man that can put me on the bottom. Or the woman. Anybody that can take me down.? ~ Angelina Jolie

I'd only change the quote by taking out the "physically" part. Even though I'm currently a card-carrying heterosexual, I'll leave that part about the female option because who knows what many more years of metrosexual, "I need to be free.....Please don't leave me!" men will do to my sexuality.
Anyway, I've only recently become aware of how I seem to always gradually take over the people around me. It's a subconscious thing. In all of my past relationships (and my current infuriating romance with a Sag. man), I held all of the power and control. I know that has to do with all those issues I have with being vulnerable to outside forces, but deep down inside, I really want someone who can own me. Twisted. Tongue And fight me for me.
I thought maybe I needed a Scorpio? They seem indestructible and fearless. From what I've read on the compatibility, we'll either destroy each other or attempt to destroy each other, get really turned on mid-blitz, and fall together on any nearby surface, person or thing, going at it like rabbits on spanish fly.......I just sent myself to a good place, be back soon.
Any other powerful Caps out there with the seemingly odd desire to be pinned down? Where have all the alpha males gone? Probably somewhere tweezing.
oooooooh gross..
Where do the titles come from notso?
Prude !!!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Virgos are the best
And the other signs are poo
*Takes a bow*
I just posted this in the Capricorn section, but thought I'd cast a wider net:

?I need someone physically stronger than me.... I am always on top. It's really unfortunate. I am begging for the man that can put me on the bottom. Or the woman. Anybody that can take me down.? ~ Angelina Jolie

I'd only change the quote by taking out the "physically" part. Even though I'm currently a card-carrying heterosexual, I'll leave that part about the female option because who knows what many more years of metrosexual, "I need to be free.....Please don't leave me!" men will do to my sexuality.
Anyway, I've only recently become aware of how I seem to always gradually take over the people around me. I know that has to do with all those issues I have with being vulnerable to outside forces, but deep down inside, I really want someone who can own me. Twisted. Tongue And fight me for me.
I thought maybe I needed a Scorpio? They seem indestructible and fearless. From what I've read on the compatibility, we'll either destroy each other or attempt to destroy each other, get really turned on mid-blitz, and fall together on any nearby surface, person or thing, going at it like rabbits on spanish fly.......I just sent myself to a good place, be back soon.
So, what's the general consensus on a Capricorn-Scorpio match?