Do Virgos change their mind and stick with it? Virgo ended things so suddenly - how?

Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Rindaroo
Similar experience. It was 3 years & we were planning on getting married. Well it wasnt about the feelings or spark, he actually struggled with coming to see me for months. I finally had to stop the torture & tell him to leave me alone. 25 years later I got the real answers. He said it was just a choice. He chose a life he didn't think I could live. That was it. It was over. Love didn't matter.

Look at what he was analyzing, or struggling with.

What do you mean by "he chose a life he didn't think I could live?"
Mom & Dad had money, and he was afraid he would be cut off if he married me. So he lived the life mom & dad wanted. Worked for Dad, perfect Catholic boy, and found a wife who didn't have career ambitions but fit the Catholic stay at home mom and who his mother would approve of. I was about to graduate from college, had big career plans & it's as if he set me free to be me.

I suppose he did the right thing. I don't do to well when I feel trapped, that Sag thing.. of course I didn't understand that til I was in my 40's.

You would've hated that life and you would've resented him until you hate him.

It would not have ended well.

You are right. However, I wish he had the balls to tell me the truth when he broke up with me. I took it wrong & my life didn't go so well anyway. It took me 25 years to decide to deal with this & the rest of my life. understanding it makes a big difference, ah communication.... I guess my point here is sometimes it's just hard for them to talk about the real truth.
Maybe he thought you'd try to fight it you know.. mold yourself into that housewife role. That's what I'd be thinking if I were him. I guess for me... it would be better to just let go and maybe let the person hate me for awhile so long as in the end, I don't regret that I've been selfish by dragging her into a life that she would not be happy with.

It's just heartbreaking that it took you so long to see that.

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No. It's not heartbreaking it took HER so long to SEE that. It's heart breaking that jerk, as she said, didn't have the balls to tell her the reason why at the time. He couldn't say "My inheritance matters more to me that what we have, so it's over. Sorry I have to break your heart over money, but..." That was all he had to say.

And the fact he couldn't be a man and stand up to his parents... COWARD!