Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 502 · Topics: 18
Dear DD - my venture obviously wasn?t for naught... I?ve been mulling over your questions and here comes my honest conclusion: How do you feel your day to live plays out? Well, I never have to worry about how to while my days away. That is; am never bored, even in my own sole company - a blessing! (I wonder if this triple combo is to thank; the aries always finding things to do ? the pisces thinking about them even if doing them is out of reach ? and the virgo tut-tutting: there ARE some other things you should be doing anyway)
Do you often find yourself either rushed or busy constantly? Almost always ? as I?m a self-employed CPA my clients need some extra work done now and then ? would be OK if all of them didn?t usually need something solved at the same time - I seem to be adjusting projects all the time ? but somehow things work out just fine, which is just as well!
Do you set your goals higher each time a goal is met? No, not intentionally at least, but if I set myself a goal to reach I never fail to meet it. Perhaps I?ve learnt to not take on too much at once ? maybe it?s an acquiered trait, not astrologically inborn??? Or is it the virgo of the combo? I think the aries part gets the idea and the virgo finishes it ? well ? not too bad is it? Ambitious? Yes. Hardworking? Yes Enjoying it? Yes
Do you find that sexual thoughts plague your mind often? Lol No that?s not a problem although I enjoy the act itself ? now THAT must be my Pisces part - Will be back later - short of time as usual....