guys who don't fix their hair

Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Teena
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Teena
Posted by Sleepless
Posted by Teena
Posted by Sleepless
Posted by Teena
I don't think I'd even notice
Fix your hair teena
It's on point... Most days Big Grin

What do you want me to fix?
Need to see more pics
You've seen more than others here tho!!
Nudez????? lol jk
Lol!! He'd not even ask for them.. Except when he's trolling Big Grin
The real question I have is this.

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I think so yeah!!! Where's the fish Ands ??? It's been us !!

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Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by Seraphlight
I have ferocious anxiety.

I am not a very strong person ..and I think secure people are strong generally.
Everyone has anxiety and insecurity, no one is truly free of that because they would not be human if it were true.

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i agree. i get anxiety and insecure in a lot of cases but in many cases i'm not.

so it's weird. it's hard to explain.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by ScorpioBoar
You're sweet ❤ If I was straight, I would love that very much.
So? Become straight! Just stop bending...big deal! Lol
I have to say that I love you LOL! Please continue posting in my threads ❤
I love you too. And I promise! I'll never leave you alone?
Thank you ❤

What are your thoughts on Britney Spears?

One last pic insane here was hideous but other than that I was always a fan!

But I love Elton Jonn as well. Don't worry.

I am wondering what his thoughts on Britney...and Gaga! Do you know?
LOL! I think Elton is for the older gays.
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So I am older...

Oh...gays? it ever to late? Lol
This is too complicated for me.
Credit card...unlimited!

Can't beat THAT!
Posted by starwars
Posted by Capricorn91
Beauty pageants glorify the outer beauty and not the person as a whole. There is no need for a swimsuit segment there. But still people are continuing these. They rarely focus on the cerebral part of the person. It is all about objectification.
to spread more powerful msgs

join our first tire club

by sending @afternoondelights22

the following link

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lol@ 1st tire club Big Grin

It's killing me to not make a bad triple a joke.


So are you and UVD united in this effort or are

you competing against each other?

Already boss tier ??‍♀️

Can't touch dis
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by pooface222

hopefully having a happy life with the 3 of us - me, my little girl and Pisces guy too.

Listen, I am going a different route than I usually do with this type of thing. I abhor most cheaters, but I can actually see that you are struggling with being that type of person. Most people come on here, and are almost gleeful about cheating. You quite obviously are struggling, and the reasons for it, I can logically comprehend. I still don't agree with it, but I understand it.

However, this sentence right here, pisses me the fuck off. Your daughter is your husband's child, not the Pisces. You totally ignored that fact in this sentence, and it totally comes off as you saying that given the chance, you would take your daughter and go with the Pisces without thinking about her relationship with her father. It also makes me question if you know just how much your daughter would be affected by your decisions, and actions. I truly question your ability to put her first above yourself.

I hope I am wrong. But whatever it is, your child deserves to be in a healthy and happy home. It sounds like neither of those things can happen given the distrust, and how unhappy you in it. She will sense it. I wish you luck.
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Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate it. I have never cheated in my life. Ever. It's not what I do normally. And like you, I too abhor cheaters. I just can't believe I've actually ended up in this fucking mess!

Now to explain myself in terms of my little girl. I understand why are are 'pissed the fuck off.' Quite rightly so. I guess I just thought that it would go without saying, that I care about my little girls happiness as well as my own.

But - as this is an Internet forum and we all don't know each other, we can't just assume people will understand what we mean when we don't actually say it.

At the same time, I am still married. So at the present time, I have no idea how divorce will go. - How my husband (future ex), and I will raise our child separately.

- How it will affect her relationship with both of us.

- How her relationship will be with me, without him there.

- How her relationship will be with her father, without me there.

And I seriously cannot stand my husband; he is a controlling, manipulating, selfish, extremely childish, and extremely argumentative Bastard! He has always ignored everything I say, preferring to interrupt me every few seconds, talk loudly over me, and argue & defend himself in a situations where he is clearly wrong. He would rather defend his behaviour towards me, rather than listen when I say he is hurting and upsetting me.

The thought of her being alone with him, and the thought of being without her, makes me feel sick.

I love her so much that I cannot bear to be without her. I'm sure my husband would not like to be without her too.

I'm not going to go into all the long & boring details about why my marriage is a mess but - I will say that we don't get on. We don't fight all the time but it's clear that we are a total Mismatch. We rarely agree on anything - ends up being that we agree to disagree! We have nothing in common. No shared interests. No shared opinions. It's all wrong!

So hopefully from my response to you, you can see that I care very much about the effect on my little girl, if/when we divorce.

It worries me sick. Hence why I haven't divorced yet.

My post earlier was focusing on me becoming happy again, finding love again and my little girl being happy with ME. I just didn't go into the fill story of divorce and the effect on her etc.

I really hope I have cleared this up now. Please tell me if I havent.

Thanks again..☺
she was considered very fresh and innocent, and many men wanted to sleep with her, including Mick Jagger and he could get almost anyone and tried to get into Marianne Faithful's pants, and he succeeded too. But then he didn't stay with her sadly. Mick Jagger wanted her too, but she said no. no no no.

there were countless others, and Aries sun/Scorpio moon Eric Clapton really tried his best to get her and did it only when she was insecure with George Harrison, i remember reading.

She is Pisces sun/ Pisces venus/Gemini mars/Sag moon,

she's actually Gemini dominant. Pisces and Capricorn.
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxX
Posted by DonJohn

it's very important to remain positive in life. ... ...


It is also ...
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I think DJ is really right at this point.

If somebody has still reasons to stay, for example family members, POSITIVITY does wonder.

being thankful

seeing the beautiful part

saying everything is actually in its naturally correct place

listenting to music and thinking of how this world found the way to create music.

enjoying. feeling the joy.

smiling. laughing. motion.
he said LUST is an instinct and is DANGEROUS...he even admitted that lust is instinctual (very animalistic) and has NO concern for other people's feelings. it's true.

he wrote this because he was actually IRRITATED ...probably horny as hell.

instinct is very very dangerous indeed.