Posted by TheLibraMudraThankiesss. Will post later. I'm doing something at the office.
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I love plants and have a green thumb and love the greeeeeen
Posted by SeraphlightPosted by BlackburnIn europe and Russia the teen ones are criminal...they have 14 yrs olds posing in underwearPosted by SeraphlightPosted by BlackburnThey are fiercely sleazy. Sexual harassment is par of the course...the entrance fee is how they make most of their money and there is largely no benefit to the women who enter. It's a business that treats women like cattle. Anyone who says or thinks otherwise is mistaken. And some of the things that go on are down right immoral.
I think the problem with b. pageants has more to do with sexism and stereotypes, narrow minded ppl thinking beauty is represented by one type of person (woman).
But is still important; we all are attracted to it, to deny it is hypocrisy. However, the concept of beauty is wide, a face, a body, personality, mind, a landscape, feelings, a poem.
Humans are not cattle. It's deeply immoral to think any way else.
Of course, I haven't defended this "contests", I despise them as you can tell by my words.
What I'm explaining is that this has anything to do with beauty, is just a bussiness, and that beauty is more than flesh, and is important, outer, inner and all to expand
Posted by LadyNeptune
I think that the person your with can contribute immensely to the level of insecurity/security you feel.
Posted by d0s3rJust don't say this to the promoters "beauty pageant doesn't care about the mind" they will lose their business.Posted by Capricorn91beauty is subjective, but there are also beauty standards which are relative to culturePosted by d0s3rI did not mean to look for math wizards. And beauty doesn't need to be shown through a swimsuit segment. Do you really find no issue with it? What are you trying to promote with that? Fitness? Still not needed.
i mean if u wanna look the "cerebral part" just go watch spelling bee or countdown
beauty is to be celebrated. you can celebrate it perhaps too much. you are suggesting to not celebrate it at all,
you do not look more deep than others pretending to not care about beauty. you seem miserable.
it is miserable to avoid looking in the mirror lest you be vain
you also deprive yourself of sexual attraction pretending to not prioritise looks in a relationship
you can appreciate looks and mind
but a beauty pageant doesn't care about the mind
much like how countdown doesn't care about beauty (apart from carol vorderman - but she likes to be beautiful. her perogative)click to expand
Posted by sakuraflowers
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Posted by whatisthisallaboutWhat is your sun sign?
I am going to see a local band tonight. I used to see the drummer in the band, who is a Pisces.
I remember him telling me about girls coming in and out of his life (always girls break up with him and then come back later and then leave again). Anyways, 6 months ago we had a fall out and I blocked him on everything. For some reason I thought about him last night so I texted him. I told him I may stop by his show tonight and he said "I would like that" and he told me he wanted to have more time to catup up with me blah blah blah.
I am wondering if Pisces guys have a tendancy to leave an open door for girls who have walked out of their lives? Now that I think of it, every single Pisces guy that I have been invovled with always leaves the door open when I reach out to them, no matter how bad it was when we ended things... also, this Pisces I am talking about he bascially lets every girl comes in and out of his life freely.
Are Pisces just forgiving, or are they just having a hard time getting over an old flame who left them?![]()
Posted by SentimentalCrabbyYou stand after us in the queue.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowI didn't know we are evolved Geminis...
The Cancers that I know have been drawn in by comedy & your tolerance for their incoherent random ramblings.
Gotta remember, Cancers are evolved Geminis. That's why love for comics & roleplaying is quite common amongst them.
What the fuck?click to expand