
LadyNeptune or Arielle are all over this- won't tag cos possibly annoying ?

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Posted by Infinite8
Posted by daydreamerfishy
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by daydreamerfishy
Posted by whatisthisallabout
I am going to see a local band tonight. I used to see the drummer in the band, who is a Pisces.

I remember him telling me about girls coming in and out of his life (always girls break up with him and then come back later and then leave again). Anyways, 6 months ago we had a fall out and I blocked him on everything. For some reason I thought about him last night so I texted him. I told him I may stop by his show tonight and he said "I would like that" and he told me he wanted to have more time to catup up with me blah blah blah.

I am wondering if Pisces guys have a tendancy to leave an open door for girls who have walked out of their lives? Now that I think of it, every single Pisces guy that I have been invovled with always leaves the door open when I reach out to them, no matter how bad it was when we ended things... also, this Pisces I am talking about he bascially lets every girl comes in and out of his life freely.

Are Pisces just forgiving, or are they just having a hard time getting over an old flame who left them? Confused
What is your sun sign?

Scorpio... notorious for not being forgiving =.=
I personally tend to forgive scorpios much more than any other signs, so it's quite possible that he still has feelings for you.

You should go to the concert and see (feel) what happens.Don't listen to what he's telling you as he may at first be shy and defensive, rather listen to what your intuition tells you.

Interesting... there is something in this combo that make both parties forgive more than the ordinary.

In general, I am learning to be much more forgiving. But, even when I was unforgiving... seems like Pisces were the only ones that got swinging doors rather than bolted doors ?

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It's a kind of magic maybe smile

Posted by daydreamerfishy
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by daydreamerfishy
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by daydreamerfishy
Posted by whatisthisallabout
I am going to see a local band tonight. I used to see the drummer in the band, who is a Pisces.

I remember him telling me about girls coming in and out of his life (always girls break up with him and then come back later and then leave again). Anyways, 6 months ago we had a fall out and I blocked him on everything. For some reason I thought about him last night so I texted him. I told him I may stop by his show tonight and he said "I would like that" and he told me he wanted to have more time to catup up with me blah blah blah.

I am wondering if Pisces guys have a tendancy to leave an open door for girls who have walked out of their lives? Now that I think of it, every single Pisces guy that I have been invovled with always leaves the door open when I reach out to them, no matter how bad it was when we ended things... also, this Pisces I am talking about he bascially lets every girl comes in and out of his life freely.

Are Pisces just forgiving, or are they just having a hard time getting over an old flame who left them? Confused
What is your sun sign?

Scorpio... notorious for not being forgiving =.=
I personally tend to forgive scorpios much more than any other signs, so it's quite possible that he still has feelings for you.

You should go to the concert and see (feel) what happens.Don't listen to what he's telling you as he may at first be shy and defensive, rather listen to what your intuition tells you.

Thank you! When you decided to fogive a scorpio, was it because you knew they were just dramatic/exterme (I think I am the type that I either love you or hate you :p)?
I know how they (you) feel, I highly appreciate emotional people and I know it's hard sometimes not to mix love with hate when strong feelings are involved.

Good luck with this guy.

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Thanks! I am glad you can take and appreciate emotional peopel like us smile

I will find out how I feel/how he feels when we see each other LOL

I actually feel a little embarrased thinking back of all the stupid things I said during our last fight :p
Posted by d0s3r
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by d0s3r
lool u keep doing that, playing games

this pisces will get fed up soon and shut that door!

looool u think u have control here

I am not playing games with him. I thought of him last night so I went to his fan page. I noticed that he has a concert coming up tonight so I texted him =.=
you are playing games.

you think you 'know' he will take u back

so u block him

u will do it again - break up, ignore him, cheat, anything to push him away,

because he will come back

this gives you ur power

but u fixed sign people do the same thing over and over

and it's boring and predictable

u better be great in bed to keep that door open

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I blocked him because I was too upset to deal with the situation. We didn't cheat on each other though.

Anyways, I am not sure what will happen. I just thought about him out of the blue and realized that I do miss him.
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by daydreamerfishy
Posted by whatisthisallabout
I am going to see a local band tonight. I used to see the drummer in the band, who is a Pisces.

I remember him telling me about girls coming in and out of his life (always girls break up with him and then come back later and then leave again). Anyways, 6 months ago we had a fall out and I blocked him on everything. For some reason I thought about him last night so I texted him. I told him I may stop by his show tonight and he said "I would like that" and he told me he wanted to have more time to catup up with me blah blah blah.

I am wondering if Pisces guys have a tendancy to leave an open door for girls who have walked out of their lives? Now that I think of it, every single Pisces guy that I have been invovled with always leaves the door open when I reach out to them, no matter how bad it was when we ended things... also, this Pisces I am talking about he bascially lets every girl comes in and out of his life freely.

Are Pisces just forgiving, or are they just having a hard time getting over an old flame who left them? Confused
What is your sun sign?

Scorpio... notorious for not being forgiving =.=
And they are notorious for TEACHING us how to do so...

HAHAHA, I still struggle. I guess this explains why every scorpio I know has their fair share of Pisces in their lives.
I had a fall out with a very close Pisces friend of mine last year (Aqua Venus I've mentioned). I ignored him all of last year because he was being massive jerk.

Anyway, saw him again this winter and he really went out of his way to be on my good side. Back to being a sweetheart.

I've learned with all the many Pisces that have entered my life, that confronting and apologizing the old fashioned way just isn't THEIR way.

Just like they let go, they hope you will do the same. And if you do... it all gets better.

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Thanks for sharing!

BTW, I also had a fall out with my best Virgo friend a month ago over some misunderstanding.

We both knew it's just a misunderstanding, but things just became awkward since.

Do you have any experience patching things up with a Virgal?
Posted by sakuraflowers

If you are around, would you please me by sending this link https://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/miscellaneous/join-tier-one-limited-time-only--7915225/ to AfternoonDelights22?

Thank you very much in advance! smile
Hey miss smile

Just sent that

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Posted by ParisianCappy
Posted by Capricorn91
Posted by Miscorpion
Posted by ParisianCappy
Is that a good OMG?
He was imagining the things which you said you will do. Lol Big Grin
i never get a scorpio girl, but i'm questioning myself
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? Likewise with you Capricorns thats why I'm so intrigued and it's refreshing.

Dated a Pisces on an off for a year. Then, I remained single for roughly two years and a half because I couldn't/didn't want to get over him. When I found out he got serious with a Virgo, I shut that door completely. I never thought I would, but now I realize he would have made me miserable. I want nothing to do with him in all fairness.

Then, during the first year of this singledom, I met a Leo. Nothing happened at first, but we started dating in October. We had ups and downs. We saw each other three weeks ago, since then, nothing from his side at all. I'm not sure where I'm at. I care so much about him, but right now, it's nowhere, so I'm focusing on myself instead. The door will always be open for this one though I won't be waiting forever.