What happened to helping others?

Posted by aquanib
Dude.... bitterness is actually dressing the cat up in free time and spending the rest of the day cleaning spider webs from their bankrupted vagina.

How can any good advice come from such people?

Would you say it's a lack of self confidence to bring others down?

Good analogy btw lol

Related Messages

Posted by Damnata
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Montgomery
Aries moon?
Some input on your part would be helpful.

Yeah she has Aries Moon.
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Thanks, babe.

Infinitely better than generic Pisces.

I think she needs a new car.

With all the bells & whistles... very shiny,

very foreign-- with a bow.

A small one though... anything bigger than a

dinner plate would be trashy.

Posted by starwars
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Feby doing some squats right now like a smart person

Ya'll should take note
fudge off

we don't have time to live

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You have time right now

Up and down

Get low, but make sure your form is decent
Be sure to wear sexy hold ups, when you are driving let your skirt rise up enough for him to see them.
Well draw a synastry chart with today's chart. Jup Lib, Sat Sag, Pluto Cap, Nept Pisc, Ura Aries.
Posted by Infinite8
Maybe when you pick him up in your admins clothes, where a skirt and nothing underneath.

Drive, straight faced and just grab his hands and draw them to where he realizes you have nothing on.

Let him get warmed up naturally...
Ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner!!! lol
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by sakuraflowers
Posted by AfternoonDelights22


Who came up with the customized card idea?
what work did you two do each on the project
I made the cards. and did some promoting. and i picked the theme songs. made the vocaroo commercial.

we each made a vocaroo as an example for the ppl applying.

sakura drew the DXPnet logo that you see on the right side of the cards and I took her drawing and made it digital. and she did a lot of promoting.
click to expand
That logo was awesome I loved how the zodiacs were incorporated ?

Posted by SunMoonStars
So my Cap has been talking about changing careers to one that could take him on the road (touring).

I mentioned that it would be hard to be apart for so long, and suggested we could potentially work together. You know how Saggies love to travel smile

He actually said yes, and could see me doing a good job of managing him. He even said he would sign an employment contract (pay, title, etc.)

I'm curious to know your experiences of working with your Cap partner? Good..bad..other?

If you're the Cap, what do you think about working with someone you're intimate with? Would you say something like the above if you didn't mean it?

Never mix business with pleasure. I'm not a cap just my opinion.

Posted by starwars
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by starwars
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Feby doing some squats right now like a smart person

Ya'll should take note
fudge off

we don't have time to live

You have time right now

Up and down

Get low, but make sure your form is decent
I was at the zoo earlier, thinking of the task

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my friends were like "the fudge why do u look upset whos the dick you're texting"

and I'm like "afternoondelights22"

"what whos that"

"the host of the dxp game"

"fuck off seriously"

"I want to win"

"you're a fucking child"

"y'all better make dxp accounts so you can send him the link I will send you later"

click to expand
I love that they called you a fucing child...while they were at the zoo....for children
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by sakuraflowers
Posted by AfternoonDelights22


Who came up with the customized card idea?
what work did you two do each on the project
I made the cards. and did some promoting. and i picked the theme songs. made the vocaroo commercial.

we each made a vocaroo as an example for the ppl applying.

sakura drew the DXPnet logo that you see on the right side of the cards and I took her drawing and made it digital. and she did a lot of promoting.
That logo was awesome I loved how the zodiacsl were incorporated ?

the logo was sakura's original design.
click to expand
She is very good at drawing

I still have no clue what's going on lol.

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