I've found Aries men want to change me, or think that "I'll grow out of," something.
I've found Leo men want me to mother them, which is cool if we're friends, but not so much if we're lovers.
I've found Gemini men are uncomfortable with my emotional expression. That look of, "Oh dear god, please don't get that on me!" Make great friends though.
My closest friends have been Sags and Cappys to date, though strangely enough, I'm getting a lot of Taureans gravitating towards me recently. And I'm very deeply in love with a Taurus, which is horrible crap 'cause he is moving at a glacial pace. At least, I think he is moving. It's been about 14 months since he indicated interest, and I am yet to see any further development. But I wants him so! LOL
I think I'd avoid Librans.
Sag men seem to find me attractive, but I never feel anything but platonic towards them. Of course, I only ever have romantic feelings for one person at a time, and the rest of the world lives in the friend zone.