Which planet placement would be the one that is about JEALOUSY?

Posted by Aerazo
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Aerazo
I thought I wasn't jealous until I met this Cap.

Now I'm usually jealous!!! I hate it bc I get very analytical, sort of follow his moves, but many times I feel like he only does it to make me watch him. lol
Aquas get possessive over those we realllllly like or care for. Jealousy will get triggered. LOL
Do you feel like FBI Agent sometimes?


I'm not one to create drama, but if something is fishy I check for info, sit back and watch ?

If I notice something then I communicate, most of the time in a good manner, and mainly as a warning "I'm watching you" but if there is something I'm done, for good.

I hardly ever give second chances.

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I have a Scorpio rising, I'm innately suspicious. I try to keep it in check tbh.