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Jan 13, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 23
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 27
Mm. Aries is pretty good at cutting all that bull. But, sadly. . . when we realize it's all fake rather than giving up, we try harder. Does Pisces secretly take pride in misleading people, I wonder. Patience is a virtue with these guys. And if you can handle all of their hang ups, they make us strive to be even more independent.
On one hand, feeling challenged is a plus. But on the other, when we aren't rewarded for our efforts we become very unpleasant, indeed.
Well good luck to us all.
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 27
I see your acid trip is wearing off.
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Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 27
crisp. I disagree on most of that post. C=
You see, to an Aries, Pisces is the most transparent creature of them all. Being a female Aries who is chasing after a male Pisces, I must say these two can work if both are willing to embrace change.
Pisces might "lie". But an Aries can tell you what they are feeling; what that dreamy, swoony smile is all about.
I've noticed with males, the eyes don't stand out so much. I find myself always looking toward his 3rd eye or slightly above his head. But that's something else, I suppose.
I've been chasing after my boy for nearly 6 months. And I've finally come to the conclusion that being "with" him will go thru cycles.
Solitas is def. right about Aries' need to reinvite himself. I definitely do that. I'd say at least every other week I spend the bulk of a day just thinking. I'm really quite talented at tuning everything out. And yet I still hear and see everything. Strange.
I am very protective of myself; my feelings. My fish sees who I am. He is very gentle and somehow coaxes me. He's so serene and inviting. When I'm with him I can't help but break myself down.
But then I start feeling too exposed. And just when I start building my walls back up, he calls me on it and asks what's wrong.
I keep thinking if maybe I hang around long enough I'll win him. I see the smallest of progress and just when I smile he takes 5 steps back.
Indeed the challenge is half the fun.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
There is one couple.
Leo male and Cap female.
He bites and eats piece of her every day.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
****i think this combo is better when the virgo is a female and the libra a male
u mean bringing out the b!t $ h???
I stay away from virgo after 2 experience. Now its like If i am asked to make a choice btween a virgo girl and death, i will happily take death.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
"Does Viagra work is those cases?"
There is I know a by-pass surgery for heart matters. Now Viagra for by-pass with these matters? LOL! That's new.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1857 · Topics: 45