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tsk tsk those mid-westerners are something else.

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everyone is nuts. i, however, am sane.
I meant Kenneth Lay .. I just looked him up .. he was born April 15th.
well, virguys deserve to be pinched...for being starey, yo-yoing head fucks. YEAH!
head fcks*
Hola gorgeous people of the world
Ello my bestest fwend in the world..EG & my twin soul sister Notsy
Awww Kris, that?s so sweet!! Lol, im too nice for my own good!! No, no, the DXPers have got me all wrong, im not easy, never have been never will be!! The scorps are always picking on me, but dont worry i can handle them all (you?ll help, right)? And...Bling luuuuurves me!!
still waters run deep...
one of my male friends told me that my object of affection (or what i prefer to refer to as 'victim') resembles a mexican drug dealer.
he doesn't.

not that i've ever come across one.
Awww your one is just in love with you...bless his cotton boxers...so shweet..some of them can be like that...
What his moon and venus signs?