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Posted by Mimi24
I get it we all flaws. But why this continuity of bashing a sign in particular or a group of signs based on their element is necessary?
Ugh anyways i just think we can do better than that. Calling this signs dumb and that signs superior is truly ignorant!
Posted by DamnataI was asking a general question? Why do you have to assume stuff? Seriously stop with your rubbish
And yes a married woman opening up completely to a Virgo will garner nothing but disrespect.
You are taken.
Posted by Freetobe007My leo experience is very one sided... They do what they want and care very little about your feelings!! I hope that changes some day!Posted by boxcarmirntaI may be biased. A Pisces used to wipe my ass and put up with my bratty self. ? From there, it seems like I've always had a strong bond with some Pisces through every phase of life. There's a Pisces man that I work with and we have this natural, effortless goofy connection. Even if I want to be annoyed with him, I can't lolPosted by Freetobe007Awww.. That's very sweet.Posted by boxcarmirntaLmao! What the hell happened!? I adore 99.9% of the Pisces I've ever come in contact with
Nope. Ya know why?? Bc its horrible a shit show never again.
What's your experience?click to expand
Posted by LazyKNo I'm not looking for a love affair. I want him to stop contacting me. He has so many times in the past and each time I tell him to stop contacting me and then I hear from him again later and this has been going on for years. It keeps messing with my emotions and I've struggled. He was my first love. Previously I have been very cold with him when I have told him to not message me but this time I have opened up and have been emotional and I told him exactly why I don't want him contacting me anymore and I know guys hate emotions so I'm hoping this does the trick. I guess I am going to change my number if he contacts me again. I really don't want to hurt him, I hate upsetting people.
If your looking for a love affair go for it. I've had a few pisces girls and this relationship match never works for me. Prices women I've dated wanted to live a recurring fantasy, or love story over and over with new men. Maybe because i have no water in my chart, it wouldn't work. Also dated cancer, which was a lot better pair than pisces. Im not sure how this virgo guy is, but i would recommend from my experience with pisces women that you do not look at this as a possible relationship. The virgo will view you as unfaithful and never fully commit to you, at least i wouldn't.
Posted by LibrajeanYes I like/need a man who know when to be dominant. My personality wouldn't mesh with anything else as I am quite strong and stubborn myself. I need someone who isnt afraid to tell me when I am wrong, when I am doing something that isn't good for us, although it was more the case when I was younger. I generally now know and want to please the person I am with aswell as myself.Posted by LibraLovesHimWow...that is intense..I get the feeling you are like me and love a dominant man (Aries boyfriend) a part of me would be turned on a little by that. But it is way over the top for a real relationship. My boyfriend is always accusing me of having sex with other men? I wonder why I feel like he is very insecure..Posted by LibrajeanYes, exactly what I experienced. Which is why I knew from the beginning it was probably doomed. It just showed me insecurity, and that he didn't believe I was good enough for him, which yes was also exactly the case. He had an extreme domineering streak. He would be in a bad mood if I went to starbucks, or the mall alone. He didnt understand the concept of loving freely whatsoever. He is military also, not sure if this added a negative aspect to his personality. He defo struggled with not believing himself good enough IMO.
What was your relationship like with your cap man, I'm seeing one now and he seems like the jealous and possessive type. He always thinks I'm having sex with someone else..it doesn't matter what I say he doesn't believe it..did u experience anything like this?
He also told me that "when we married he didnt want me working, he wanted me at home I was for him only"
So what was the reason you broke up?click to expand
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