So he text me this morning because I guess he realized that I deleted him on facebook, didn't want to go in my obsession mode. He wrote "U deleted me? ? I hope u weren't upset, I really got a lot goin on. I didn't expect for this to happen. Don't be mad, I'm going to make it up to u promise." My reply was " I did delete you because I was a little hurt. But can't be upset because now I know what happened. Just wish you would have told me a little sooner and not have me here with my mind wondering." So his last response was "I told u I would never disrespect u...we just really start back talking, I'm not about to bombard you with craziness. Don't be upset, plz I'll make it up promise". Then some smiley faces and kisses.
Can't lie my wall is back up and This crab has retreated back in here shell. But a little bit of security was all I needed. And he seemed genuine so I just have to wait and see