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Posted by 2Moondamn libra. id be interested in the illegal long version lol
My time to shine... Lmao!
Part of me wants to laugh, another part cry and another scream
Long story short, broken home, broken family.
Dad is a piece of shit, last time I talked to him was like 4 years ago... I don't even remember his face now and that's a good thing.
Mom is a dumb cunt. It is what it is....
You know when a Libra says this its because you fucked up in life.
Dumb ass parents. "Dad" is a Pisces.
Mom is a Cancer. Water signs drama 24/7 in the house growing up... was hard and exhausting for a peaceful leeb.
I talk with my mother sometimes... Less we talk = better is our relationship. 5 minutes of talk on the phone once every 2-3 weeks is enough
Shit, I wrote a book... But this is the short version. The long version of this story would be too long, emotional and illegal
Posted by -elle-Stop it. Not gon work.Posted by DepthAndDeath*congalisoisleisaglier mafia spotted again*
Holy mother of hell! 30+ pages to catch up.
Dam. Did I survive whatever chaos from last night?
?click to expand
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischargeLMAOPosted by nikkistarAhemPosted by starwarsI lied to you about being the arsonist, and saying I would protect you because I suspected you were mafia. Bold face lie. That's when I got confirmation of you being the godfather.Posted by nikkistararsonist tryna be the townies right handPosted by -elle-They are not immune to shooting. But someone with a vest can help them? I think that can be done.
I can shoot a Vampire, right?
I told you that because I 100% wanted to see how that information traveled around. And it went STRAIGHT the way I wanted it to.
Within an hour or two of telling you this, and saying I was 100% on your side, low and behold, GM posts about UVD trying to message people about kicking me off. This confirmed to me that you were working in tandem with UVD.
This is how I know UVD is working with you guys as well.
Then you "coincidentally" use a logical way of saying I was "immune" to an attack from vampires. Which, just happens to be what I told you would "happen" to me as the "arsonist".
It would be hugely beneficial for you to get rid of UVD to silence her, since you were in an alliance with her, and me as the "arsonist" since you were godfather.
I just let you burn your own bridge, playing the game.![]()
Starwars hasn't talked to me until today
Im the vampire
I attacked you last night and you were immune therfore you were not a townie
No one helped me
Everyone wants to kill me
And no, your rumor didn't 'work'
@No is a rat
All bad
Who did I miss?
@rektclick to expand
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