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Posted by DamnataYou know that Virgo just has to coordinatePosted by SsupermanI'm all about that matching clothes life.Posted by 13thBAHAHAHAHA!!!Posted by SsupermanPosted by 13thMy point was.......if it's important to you, you don't neglect itPosted by SsupermanPosted by 13thYou disappear from work too?
So u telling me I dont need to recharge? why? cause u dont need to?
disappear from work? apples and oranges...U talking about sumthin I dont care about...I cant be with a girl I really like ALL THE TIME..I love alone time...two weeks is just fine.. Im not saying thats what the scorp is doing, im responding to Nikkistar saying sumthing about recharging his battery, I totally relate..demantia or whatever her name is was wayyyy off base
again, not talking for this scorp or all scorps, I personally need my own space....Plain and simple..I cant talk my girl all the time, I cant..lol let me miss u a lil at least, fawk..U and that other girl probably the type to show affection in public, matching suits with your mate, smh, yuck
The matching is just too much!click to expand
Posted by DickButtWould you personally be against a threesome, if that turned out to be the case?Posted by LillyPetalI'd be weirded the fuck out. Also that'd make me think either she wants a threesome or she's insecure AF.Posted by DickButtShe's your girlfriend or wife.
Is this woman my friend or my SO? Either way compliments like that make me feel weird. In a bad way. If my SO was saying that, i'd ask her to spit it out. Cause you don't joke about that ish for no reason.click to expand
Posted by ChrisIsKodakDo you mean like you'd feel she's setting you up?Posted by LillyPetalIt happens alot.
Gentlemen of the Man Cave, what do you think about a woman who jokes about infidelity? Not jokes about her cheating; I mean jokes about how you're so good-looking, you have women chasing after you. Or talk about how your "other girlfriends" (read: women who have crushes on you) were happy to see you?
Does it, in an ironic twist, almost encourage you to wander? Does it make you think that your girl is excited, or even okay with the idea that you'll go with another woman, sexually?
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this.
If its just a lady friend, it's just friendly teasing.
If it's a partner, i'm going to be in a lot of trouble because the girl is planting bait for me.click to expand
Posted by EnochtheWiseYou sound like my current Leeb-Scorp. He disappears for 2-3 days but since I'm doing my own thing and just letting him be he is now reaching out to me almost daily once again. I dunno it's like there's something weird going on with you stingers lately lolPosted by DamnataIts hard for me to both open up completely, and change my habits entirely, if I haven't known a person that long....really hard - especially if I'm feeling weird about how weird I'm feeling. Like I stopped communicating with people recently because I just felt super anxious, depressed, etc. out of nowhere. I can't put it into words, but what I was going through was very difficult. Sometimes, I feel I'm protecting people from my own overly sensitive/paranoid/cynical nature during times like this. When I re-emerged I texted people I keep in regular contact with, and to be honest, I didn't even realize it had been several weeks. I just am not a slave to phones like a lot of people. I put that thing down and won't even keep up with messages or calls coming in. So some were like "Man, I've missed you. Good to know you are still alive..." And while I was a little surprised a couple weeks had passed so fast when I was in my hole, I was also surprised at that response, like that is some long stretch of time or something....Posted by EnochtheWiseSo if a chick you're dating tells you straight up your behavior hurts her...instead of explaining all that ^ eloquently so she understands you are in a phase that has nothing to do with her and you care and will soothe her worries by trying to at least do your best in that phase...Posted by 13thThe best time in relationships, for me, is when we live separate and then meet up occasionally. Its so fun to spend the night or have them over for the night....Everything is always new, different, exciting....Whenever I've lived with someone, it just seems to trend inevitably towards becoming boring/routine...Eventually you two are just wandering around doing your own thing in the same space, groaning inwardly about having to clean up after one another, almost unaware of each other's presence....Plus if you go through mood shifts, the other person has to ride that out and they can't help but take it personal. I dunno man...Its hard to see the romance and the passion in that kind of scenario. I like to have a chance to miss/crave that other person as was said. With kids its different I'm sure, because then its all about them anyway, but if we don't have kids, I prefer separate space. I think its better for the relationship.Posted by SsupermanPosted by 13thMy point was.......if it's important to you, you don't neglect itPosted by SsupermanPosted by 13thYou disappear from work too?
So u telling me I dont need to recharge? why? cause u dont need to?
disappear from work? apples and oranges...U talking about sumthin I dont care about...I cant be with a girl I really like ALL THE TIME..I love alone time...two weeks is just fine.. Im not saying thats what the scorp is doing, im responding to Nikkistar saying sumthing about recharging his battery, I totally relate..demantia or whatever her name is was wayyyy off base
again, not talking for this scorp or all scorps, I personally need my own space....Plain and simple..I cant talk my girl all the time, I cant..lol let me miss u a lil at least, fawk..U and that other girl probably the type to show affection in public, matching suits with your mate, smh, yuck
...your response instead is "You're pretty and I want something serious with you" followed up by disappearing again?
Come on.
She expressed it makes her feel a certain way. He disappeared again. What is there to investigate? He is not in a position to date then or he doesn't give a shit about her grievance.
I can't speak for this dude, maybe he's a cheater, but I would still want to know the reasons behind it as Scorps can be very private. Bottom line anyway - if she likes the guy I'm sure she won't drop him off some advice on a message board.click to expand
Posted by EnochtheWiseIdk man...what you are saying in this topic and what you were saying about your behavior when you pursue someone could not be more different. I know the moods you're talking about and even within those moods you'd reach out to someone if they were important. Doesn't have to be a full blown conversation but unless you're in a coma or dead or president of the galaxy so way too busy...you seriously wouldn't reach out to see what they are doing? I don't believe you. Unless it's bad timing aka the part about not being into dating atm.Posted by DamnataIts hard for me to both open up completely, and change my habits entirely, if I haven't known a person that long....really hard - especially if I'm feeling weird about how weird I'm feeling. Like I stopped communicating with people recently because I just felt super anxious, depressed, etc. out of nowhere. I can't put it into words, but what I was going through was very difficult. Sometimes, I feel I'm protecting people from my own overly sensitive/paranoid/cynical nature during times like this. When I re-emerged I texted people I keep in regular contact with, and to be honest, I didn't even realize it had been several weeks. I just am not a slave to phones like a lot of people. I put that thing down and won't even keep up with messages or calls coming in. So some were like "Man, I've missed you. Good to know you are still alive..." And while I was a little surprised a couple weeks had passed so fast when I was in my hole, I was also surprised at that response, like that is some long stretch of time or something....Posted by EnochtheWiseSo if a chick you're dating tells you straight up your behavior hurts her...instead of explaining all that ^ eloquently so she understands you are in a phase that has nothing to do with her and you care and will soothe her worries by trying to at least do your best in that phase...Posted by 13thThe best time in relationships, for me, is when we live separate and then meet up occasionally. Its so fun to spend the night or have them over for the night....Everything is always new, different, exciting....Whenever I've lived with someone, it just seems to trend inevitably towards becoming boring/routine...Eventually you two are just wandering around doing your own thing in the same space, groaning inwardly about having to clean up after one another, almost unaware of each other's presence....Plus if you go through mood shifts, the other person has to ride that out and they can't help but take it personal. I dunno man...Its hard to see the romance and the passion in that kind of scenario. I like to have a chance to miss/crave that other person as was said. With kids its different I'm sure, because then its all about them anyway, but if we don't have kids, I prefer separate space. I think its better for the relationship.Posted by SsupermanPosted by 13thMy point was.......if it's important to you, you don't neglect itPosted by SsupermanPosted by 13thYou disappear from work too?
So u telling me I dont need to recharge? why? cause u dont need to?
disappear from work? apples and oranges...U talking about sumthin I dont care about...I cant be with a girl I really like ALL THE TIME..I love alone time...two weeks is just fine.. Im not saying thats what the scorp is doing, im responding to Nikkistar saying sumthing about recharging his battery, I totally relate..demantia or whatever her name is was wayyyy off base
again, not talking for this scorp or all scorps, I personally need my own space....Plain and simple..I cant talk my girl all the time, I cant..lol let me miss u a lil at least, fawk..U and that other girl probably the type to show affection in public, matching suits with your mate, smh, yuck
...your response instead is "You're pretty and I want something serious with you" followed up by disappearing again?
Come on.
She expressed it makes her feel a certain way. He disappeared again. What is there to investigate? He is not in a position to date then or he doesn't give a shit about her grievance.
I can't speak for this dude, maybe he's a cheater, but I would still want to know the reasons behind it as Scorps can be very private. Bottom line anyway - if she likes the guy I'm sure she won't drop him off some advice on a message board.click to expand
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