Dark Necessities


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Asians don't age ?
Yea why not .. I probably wouldn't .. not 100% on that though
This prayer may be prayed over nine hours, if you cannot wait for nine days:

PRAYER THAT NEVER FAILS. O Jesus who has said "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you," through the intercession of Mary, thy most Holy Mother, I knock; I seek; I ask that my prayer will be granted (make request). O Jesus who said "All you ask of the Father in My name, He will grant you,” through the intercession of Mary, Thy most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask thy Father in Thy name that my prayer be granted (make request). O Jesus, Who has said "Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass," through the intercession of Mary, Thy most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted (make request). Publication must be printed to make novena answer. Say each day for nine days. Publication must be promised.
A girl did me that and I shoved her away. But yes I fight if you touch those jewels.
Ughhh damn, that's a lot of anger for a message board ???
Traditional astrologers considered a conjunction to Algol an accidental debility, using it within 5º. The Sun is peregrine in Taurus and in conjunction to Algol and close conjunction to Saturn it would be considered to be debilitated unless is well-placed in the chart and receiving support from Jupiter or Venus, the benefits. Even while cadent, the 9th house is not a bad place to be at all and even Vedic astrologers consider it an auspicious house as its natural ruler is Jupiter (Guru).

Most modern astrologers take a different approach with Algol though. Some say it may carry benefits like been victorious over your enemies depending on the configuration. Meanwhile, Saturn is not painted as quite the demon anymore. He's the father and the great teacher who may be harsh with you by giving you hardships to overcome, but Saturn's only desire is for you to grow up. Once that happens, one becomes wiser and life begins to flow effortlessly.

I wouldn't give much attention to Algol personally unless is rising or any other angular house because then you know it will have an impact in one of the most important areas of your life. Cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) affect on a subconscious or mental level. While fixed signs are karmic by nature, the 3rd and 9th houses give you the opportunity to create your own system full of new thinking patterns. Those are your tools, the more you explore, learn, discover... the more you will upgrade your weapons to do just that.

Mars to Pluto and Chiron will indicate that you're quite the fierce warrior. There is a domineering, controlling nature who cares about fulfilling one's own will but also in helping society. That creates a clash as a part of you is very selfish and power-hungry while the other side holds the unconscious motivation of doing something constructive. I would say sexual trauma can be likely with this aspect, being a victim of power yourself.

Learning how to control anger and work in a cooperative manner is very important because then you will be able to reap the full benefits from this.
Posted by indiwoman
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by indiwoman
I lost 33lbs (low carb, high protein, moderate fats)

But recently gained 13 back Sad

Starting the diet up again.

Bad knee so cannot squat; previously 220 x5 (on last set)

Deadlift: 200 x5

Bench- I have done 140 x 5

Normally go heavy.

But when cutting I lighten the load to moderate but superset my exercises

20 mins cardio

That is awesome! What got you into lifting? How'd you hurt your knee?
Well, I have always been stronger for a girl. And I like a challenge... I was into working out before but just started lifting heavy to see what I could do... I fell in love with it to be honest.

And not sure on the exact moment I hurt my knee, but after leg day I had a slight discomfort in the muscle tissue around my knee and I unfortunately kept working on it and it got worse to where I could not work on it without discomfort for awhile. Still on and off with it. I did not have health insurance at the time and therefore never went to get it check out which I will probably regret for the rest of my life. This was about a year and a half ago. I always wonder what my leg PR's would be today if I never had that issue!

click to expand
Oh I had the same situation happen in both knees. Another reason I don't do leg press anymore. Also I realized leg press doesn't really translate over to squats.

I actually used squats to work past the knee pain. I took some time off of leg press first, then realized that improper form was the issue. So when I started squatting I made sure to stay with proper form. My knees still hurt for a bit, but I realized it was all residual pain from the leg press. Once the squat was done, the pain disappeared. Eventually the pain stopped occurring altogether.

So it's very possible that's what is happening with you. I actually didn't go to a doctor either, I just worked through it. It's your body though, so make sure you listen to it.

Also look into low bar squats if you have issues with mobility. The main goal is to keep the lift out of your knees and into your quads and glutes.
Posted by -elle-
I have pseudo rebels in my inbox.

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It's an infestation.

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I had the opposite problem

Everyone is so convinced I'm bad I had rebels in my inbox posing as imperials trying to get me to talk
That depends.. more then likely they aren't getting their hand back.