Aqua x Aqua thread.

The only relationships I've had with aqua men have been an insane attraction. There was this guy in high school, we used to look at each other a lot and meet on the stairs on our way to.class so one day I decided to go later and he purposely followed me and we were alone in the stairs and kisses passionately. That was it. haha I didn't give it a chance to develop into anything.

Last year was my brothers best friend, he's been away the last year's and this time he came back I felt attracted to him, during a labor weekend trip to the beach he came along and at night he grabbed me on the stairs at the house and kissed me, we went into the bathroom, everyone was asleep other people drunk so no one noticed. We had this going on for like a month because that's when I met the cap I currently like to I stopped seeing the aqua guy. again it didn't develop into anything bc I wasn't interested in that way.