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One word: ~Finish~

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LS, you're a hoot.
The breathing part just seems out of character for this guy. I hinted yesterday that I wanted to be alone last night and he insisted he come see me. At least we "went to bed" early. Tongue
I just called up Boston Hospital for Women - medical records for me and my sister's recorded birth times, I have to wait about thirty days, submit a written request with mom's personal info like her name and social. The receptionist at medical records gave me the impression that they would have to rudimentarily search for it considering my 1977 birth and sister's 1980, lol.
"My relationship with myself is going very well. We hang out all the time. Do everything together. It is good."
ROFLMAO!!! Okay, it is my Gem Moon that I get my twisted sense of humor from, cause I could soooo see myself saying something like that!
Life is good for me as well... Could be better. Could be worse. Hopefully will be much better soon. The sooner the better... That's about it.
"Let him breathe."
That's what straws are for...
You assume too much.
That's what straws are for...
LOL!!! I am good just a little serial dater these days... Have my eye on an Aries though, had to break that Scorp/Libra trend...
HP, way to go, awesome, they are the best to travel with.
my bad, I meant 2/21 LOL
You like to think ... but you don't.
What happened the last time you spoke?
mine have all been blowers... hopefully this new one will prove to be better than the last or i think im done with them.