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Posted by AerazoYou actually don't sound like a narc to me. Narcs are never self aware and don't feel the need to self improve. And everyone has SOME narcissistic traits.Posted by MeMyselfAndIntriguedI know I have some tendencies, some people have pointed them out when I wasn't aware. Is getting better now as I have been reading a lot and focusing on my increasing my self-awareness. But those tendencies were definitely were triggered by him, and yes like you said Toxic! it was hard to stay away bc I do or did like him. but I can't allow someone to bring that side of me.Posted by MysteryShopperPosted by AerazoWell ideally bothPosted by MysteryShopperHow do we know who wins???
However someone always out douches the other
Some narcs think like "you are great coz why else would I be with you if you weren't"
It's just in the "do you not know who I am" arguments that it sucks
Narcissists usually don't think anyone is as good as they are. The fact that you're aware you are narcissistic and are asking for advice means you're not off the charts. Most won't admit to it or seek advice.click to expand
Posted by Miamia13Hahahah that poor woman though, the sexy time got too REAL for her.Posted by ChuckcemRight? I love food. There's not much that will ruin it for me if I like you. At least not physically.Posted by Miamia13See this is where Leos and Aquas match up. If I were a guy and a girl did that, I'd definitely stay, just out of sheet amusement. If I MYSELF did that, I'd make it work. Nutella isn't.....the WORST choice....it's not like it was gravy or anything...Posted by ChuckcemFor example: Today I heard on the radio that this guy who hadn't been with anyone in a long time was dared by his friends to go and start a conversation with the hottest girl in the bar. So he did and they hit it off. She wanted to go back to his place. Him being drunk and extremely nervous to impress this hot girl last minute decided that it would be 'sexy' and 'experienced' of him to rub a condiment on his body. He chose Nutella. And she left horrified. I wouldn't have left. I do not do the random hook up thing. But if I met someone I liked enough to go home with- I'd stay. Nutella and all. I'd be amused.Posted by Miamia13You have not lived! Your new task is to have a really WEIRD sexual experience. One that haunts you for the rest of your days. I believe in you.Posted by ChuckcemWeird isn't the right word. None of my sexual encounters have been weird. Except for maybe... things out of my control. But weird isn't the right word.
Eh. I'll bite. Weirdest sexual encounter you've ever had?click to expand
Posted by MysteryShopperNarcissism isn't the opposite of insecurity. Many narcs are very insecure on the inside. They cannot take criticism and deal with narcissistic injury very poorly. It's not the same as vanity or confidence. It's lack of compassion and empathy for others.Posted by AerazoI have Sun in 7th so I guess I like narcissistic people over insecure onesPosted by MysteryShopperHaha is like we know what's coming but why did youu!!!???Posted by AerazoDating phase I guess yesPosted by MysteryShopperor.. " I do like you (feelings) otherwise I wouldnt be talking to you " the other says " and vice versa"Posted by AerazoWell ideally bothPosted by MysteryShopperHow do we know who wins???
However someone always out douches the other
Some narcs think like "you are great coz why else would I be with you if you weren't"
It's just in the "do you not know who I am" arguments that it sucks
Living together the how dare yous come out ?
I don't care at the moment if that is healthy or not
It doesn't affect my life as much yet but down the road I guess it mightclick to expand
Posted by MysteryShopperNo dude. The pussy is all mine.Posted by firebunnyGive him! He can vacation with me.Posted by MysteryShopperU cant have Ands.Posted by ChrisIsKodakI want the cat doePosted by MysteryShopperPosted by ChrisIsKodakFramecel geneticsPosted by MysteryShopperShe's cute. The cats bigger than her tho.... I'm confused.
This is your sister bro
Same genetics
You telling me she looks mixed![]()
LOL doesn't change my stance.
click to expand
Posted by AquariusBeautyIf you let the balloon go it floats awayPosted by LazyKHave you ever tried to get a hold of air? Or a balloon that just floats away if not held down?
Dear aqua, can u describe what people mean when they refer to air signs as flighty? Does that mean they are fake and have no loyalty or longevity? Sorry I'm so confused
Aqua ??click to expand
Posted by Miamia13Yes lololPosted by ChuckcemPosted by Miamia13Oh sorry, no. Switching again. What is something that you do that you'd say makes people uncomfortable.Posted by ChuckcemUmm well it happened a few weekends ago and it's a touchy subject. I don't like bumming people out.Posted by Miamia13Fair enough, then what was your most inconvenient sexual encounter?Posted by ChuckcemThe problem is, nothing is weird to me. I embrace it all.Posted by Miamia13You have not lived! Your new task is to have a really WEIRD sexual experience. One that haunts you for the rest of your days. I believe in you.Posted by ChuckcemWeird isn't the right word. None of my sexual encounters have been weird. Except for maybe... things out of my control. But weird isn't the right word.
Eh. I'll bite. Weirdest sexual encounter you've ever had?
I believe it's an Aqua thing to find entertainment in creating a shock-factor.click to expand
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