Horrible Parents Face Backlash

Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by iCloud9
the young boy often looked like he was about to emotionally exploded. he needs to be removed from this disturbingly sick household ASAP
I feel stress just watching what he's been through, I can't imagine how he and she, at 8 and 11 years old, feel not being safe in their own home.

All of that awareness on YouTube and online has helped - the biological mother currently has custody of Emma and Cody!!!!! They have been removed from the household!!!
thx for the update. very glad to hear that coby and emma are now with their biological mother. not sure whether those 2 sociopaths are simply low IQ dumb or just too full of themselves feeling invincilbe that they didn't anticipate such a day coming with those incriminating videos on youtube. probably both lol
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...Coby? Really? Do you even read, bro?