What do you think about have a "long distance relationship" with a scorpio man?

Posted by Eddie_Vanjovi
Scorpios are absolute hell in LDRs. They can be 9000 km away and you still won't have any space. If the time that you're physically apart is short, then it can work, but if it's more than a month at a time, expect jealously, accusations, and obsessive Scorpio banter.
I don't know what is "Short"... (only 1 month or..?) I was asking with him and he told me 5 months more is too long for him, so that I will get back in 3 months. Then he "says" that is OK.

Yes i really know some of my scorpio friends, they are all hate LDR and they need somebody can stay with them together. Depends on how much they "love" the person.