Aries here... Half an year ago I messed things up with this cancer date I had by acting weird while high (I've created an awkward situation and she never called back). I've regreted it every day since then because she was a truly amazing girl, but I decided to let go at least for a while because we have some important exams this year (in like a month from now) and at least I'm very busy atm. I'm planning to contact her again after that.
I wanted to use this time in order to significantly improve (dealing with it in the aries way), and I think I've done some progress, but I wanna know what qualities do impress you the most in order to focus on that. I mean I want to be a change that can be seen In order to somehow back up my apology.
Also do you find it awkward for someone to come with an apology out of nowhere after such a long time?