why is it so hard for Leo men and women to commit?

Good question. It's funny that I have read so many general sun-sign things that say Leo is so loyal and so relationship-oriented.

I have been wondering whether or not I am a commitment-phobe or not.

I just wonder if there even is a such thing as one person who will meet me on all levels (physical, emotional, mental) but then again I think my standards are skewed... I have been attracting more attention than usual lately but when I try to picture myself with these guys and I'm like "meh"... don't really feel a need to pursue anything. I came out of a situation where I was about to be married and sometimes when I was with them, I was trying to drown out the thoughts of "I feel trapped". Didn't work.

It would probably just take the right person. But Leo is not a sign that has a easy time with long term relationships. Sure we like attention but then we don't like to be bored or caged in (even if we have "clingy" or "jealous" tendencies ourselves).

Sorry if this answer was convoluted. I guess the short version is, it takes the right one and we are more high maintenance than most.