Keeps coming back

They always do this!

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Posted by SentimentalCrabby
Posted by neves
Well yeah, but some men can open bear bottles with their butt cheeks. It's not just for show.
What the effff? LMFAOOO OMG FOR REAL?! ????? the new things I learn that's kind of funny & cool
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Same as some women can put candle flame out with vagina!
Posted by AerialView
lol they are fighting everyday.
You don't say! ???
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
I believe you're referring to the scorpion, eagle, and phoenix correct? Leos apparently have a similar evolution in the cub, lion, and sphinx. I did read somewhere else that there are 7 evolution phases for Scorpios too. From what I've found only Scorpios and Leos have this trait for some odd reason. I'm not too knowledgeable about how this works with Scorpios, but have seen these phases played out in Leos. Which is also why I think there is so much confusion regarding these two signs.

3 Phases of Scorpio

7 Symbols of Scorpio

...interesting concept...but wouldn't other signs also evolve..? I'm curious to know....if that possibility would happen with other signs ?

I think every sign has the ability to evolve (or reach self realization) and mature. I believe the theory is that signs that evolve in phases have larger strides to make in order to evolve. So while one sign may need to take 40-60 steps (just an arbitrary number for this example) to evolve in their lifetime, a Scorpio or Leo may need to take 200-400 steps to become evolved.

Also being "evolved" has less to do with emotional maturity and more to do with understanding one's mind, emotions, abilities, etc. Though to evolve there does need to be some emotional maturity as well.
tough signs.... glad I'm not either lol wuahahhaha.... now imagine a Scorpio with Leo moon or vice versa...? My many steps would they need...?
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That's a good question. It's also why I feel that Leos need other (more mature) Leos to figure themselves out. An adult Leo can get stuck in an immature mindset for a long time.
Posted by Gemitati
I don't appreciate biracial marriages because I saw many times how much suffering it brings upon people. Looks. Whispering. Questioning. Laughs...

Lol at this hoor talking about suffering in marriages when she's a cum dumpster for some dude behind her husbands back.
"I bought a gift for my friends biracial black kid guys, I'm not racist"

lol, ok.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by -Roman-
Posted by Gemitati
...hitting themselves hard over the head?

I saw it once and thought woman was mentally ill.

Today I had a breakfast at McD and all of a sudden I see this woman eating and smacking herself over the head...

I shoved down my food and left thinking I have to ask here.

What is it and why?
Yeah makes sense to eat at McDonalds when you've undergone gastric bypass.

Dumping syndrome is a real thing
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No! Reading what you want instead of what written is a mental disorder!
Posted by d0s3r
Posted by AerialView
lol they are fighting everyday.
i was fighting though. i was doing so well
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yeah with crocodile.
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by bricklemark
Synastry's really hard to figure out...also degrees matter, it's about how the lanets aspect eachother and which house they fall in.

How can I add a pic on here to show you a synas try chart? Maybe I can add it to my profile pic?
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Google "imgur upload"

Upload the pic. (Its free, no need to join)

Once the pic is up, press and hold, on the pic, and select copy. Then paste in your post on here. It will appear.
Happy Birthday! Have a good one! @halalbabe
Sitting here and membering my past. It's like all the memories start flooding my frontal lobe at once! And all I can think of is my moms childhood pie she made me when I was a kidster! I miss being a kidster when all I had to worry about is if momma was gonna beat my ass that day if I looked her sideways. Now I gotta worry about billZ.