Keeps coming back

Posted by GoldenFlower
Why do Virgos come back? I mean do they like the power they have over the person who keeps aceppting them back? They say they'll change but keep acting the same.
I thought people were lying when they said virgos come back... but I'm a Taurus and maybe I can help you understand the "space" issue... I looooooove space. I hate talking on the phone but I will text perfusely. I will see a text that needs to be answered but don't feel like clicking it and opening it to answer... I do this not on purpose but because I rather do something else, it really has nothing to do with the person... I feel virgos are the same in some regard to this. I go on bout my business and do me always and boom he pops up, I don't live each day keeping open spaces for them... he said he'll change? If there's no actions continue doing you and don't give if he's not giving. Life to short to be doing this... he leaves and do his thing you should do the same.

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Oh ok l see a almost have the same chart, born 3 years apart...but same suns and venuses. The mercury in cancer is right on the other person 's MC, which means you seem really intellectual to them.

I see a huuuge grand trine, those blue lines forming a triangle...involving sun merc mars moon Ura Saturn and Jupiter...

So the will, the soul (sun) the mind and communication (merc) action and passion (mars) etc...theres must get along really well.

The 1. Person has Saturn conj Pluto natal...that's gotta be harsh, like a strong drive towards bickering, or violence, jealousy. They also have mars MC, so a violent father and an aggrressive rapport to authority.

All I remember from taking this as a condition of employment, is that I'm a "high" D and I.
Posted by halalbae
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by halalbae
Posted by PVJamz
My assessment:

Aries- Too fickle. I like the lamb types, but butt heads with the Ram types. The Ram types make me angry like no one can. No.

Taurus- great for fulfilling emotional needs, but they confuse love with angst. I can't give them that constant chase, I just wanna settle down and be happy. No.

Gemini- No. Just no.

Cancer- Emotionally selfish. Too defensive. Nope.

Leo- Too aggresive and easily butt hurt. No.

Virgo- fickle and provide no emotional security. Need to be lead. No.

Libra- No emotional connection. Superficial interests. Great conversationalist though, the best. Nope.

Scorpio- polite, but not friendly. Serious mean streak. Fights to win at any cost. Nope.

Sagittarius- whores, the lot of them. Nope

Capricorns- Serious control issues. Want to be your daddy. And they can be very sexually forward and aggressive. Nope.

Aquarius- Indifferent. Zero chemistry No.

Pisces- Usually have a wife, a mistress, and a girlfriend. Hell to the no!

y no to geminis?
pv said NO to all signs, don´t single out gems. lol.
i know. she didn't single geminis out but she gave an explanation for every sign except for gemini, im curious about how a pisces' experiences geminis
click to expand
"No. Just no" *is* the explanation. Because it's the only sign that didn't get one, you can deduce that for at least this Pisces, *everything* about Geminis is a no for her or him.

Two of my favorite people in life are Gemini women, but I'm not a Pisces.

This article only confirms my build a bae.

Pisces sun ( feminine, creative, adrift, slightly depressive types, kind , love nature)

venus in Taurus ( great taste in music and food, loves to cook , hardworking , sensual , tactile , loves nature)

Aries or Scorpio moon ( passionate, / will argue or wrestle with me)

mars in cap or scorp ( ambitious w/ compatible kinks aka as lusty as me , loves nature)

........oooooh where could she be?

come on universe! Jesus!Allah!Hashem!

whoever is listening....I'm waiting.
Get after it. Life is too short.
Posted by d0s3r
this is why you shouldn't go out with younger guys - at least not cancer. he's sulking because mummy told him off

Posted by virtue
Posted by Chuckcem
The better question is, why would you care how your ex feels? Are you looking to get back at him?
No. I'm just trying to figure out how men would react to the specific scenario that I described. Nothing more; nothing less.
click to expand
It depends on the guy. Some guys will break and have a hard time getting over it. Others will use it as the fuel to get over the woman and burn the bridge. Others may even try harder to win her back. Not all guys are the same, so it depends on the situation. Sounds like this is hypothetical, otherwise I'd say details of the situation would help.
Posted by InLoveWithLife
For how long I put up with nonsense of any kind depends on how much energy and time I've invested in the relationship and what promises (if any) I'd made to myself. Usually I'm known to be quick-tempered and very straight forward, but when I'm invested, i don't know how, my tolerance level surprises even me.

But even if I'm tolerant, keep in mind that every single move that you make will be noted. "There is a limit" is what I tell everyone in my life. And only I get to choose what that limit is in each case. Once someone reaches the limit, it's like carrying you passionately up the tallest cliff and dropping you heartlessly from the edge. Once the limit is reached, no matter who you are or what kind of past we share, "You are history".

The tolerance time or testing the patience and me putting up with it can last anywhere between a few weeks and several months in my case, but the door slam, ha ha ha, I may look like the meanest of humans out there because from 'somebody' you become 'nobody' just like that!

Pride first. #ProudLeo
Thisss! Hit the nail on the head with this one!

Mars in Scorpio: You’re magnetically attracted to a man who (like you) seems secretive, intense and smolders with passion and sexuality, especially if he seems powerful or dangerous. Because you are strong-willed, possessive (and controlling), you like these same qualities in a man. You are emotionally excited by a romantic connection with someone you can engage in a psychological power struggle for control that may lead to a profound sexual connection.

Sun in Sagittarius: You’re attracted to a man with morals and high ideals who operates his life with honesty and integrity—and even more so if he can be a teacher or spiritual guide. You enjoy his great sense of humor. You want honesty, friendship, and fun in a relationship. You yearn to share adventures or sports or philosophical discussions together, especially if you can “be buddies.” Because you’re attracted to men of different cultures, a foreign man can be a sexual turn-on for you.

Yes to both - not complicated at all ?
Race is social construct.

It's a political designation ( which changes over time and varies depending on geographical region),

It is not a biological reality.