Posted by andswholmaoPosted by GuardianAnuNothing like a friend zone diary entryPosted by andswhoomg I am swooning.Posted by GuardianAnuRoflPosted by andswhoAw this is so touching, quite possibly the most beautiful thing I ever read.
None of this is real. Firebunny is just imagining himself as a rom com lead again. The girl probably just thinks of firebunny as a friend who used to do her homework. So weird man.
Firebunny's idea of a date is being stood up and watching a movie alone
He just has this weird take on situations
Like what really happens is not how it plays out in his mind
Pure poetry, man.Posted by firebunny
It's 2:30 am now here in Legazpi, Philippines. I just want to write to you today to express myself before I go to bed.
1. I was supposed to have a date in the afternoon with a pretty girl. We were supposed to watch a movie, Guardians of the Galaxy. I went ahead coz she told me that she's going to be late. I watched the entire movie until its very last second without her around. She didn't show up. I texted her, I'm going to eat lunch with or without you. I finished eating my lunch and still she's not around so I went home. I texted her, "You have such horrible time management skills." Of course, I was disappointed. I wanted to meet her up. I miss her. It's been a long time since we last dated but she never came.
She texted me and called me and said SORRY. She asked me where I am at that time. I told her, I'm heading to the gym. I still met her. I was ready to forgive her. We went to McDonald's to talk things through. She said she had an emergency meeting with some Undersecretary of President Duterte. Being a newly-minted lawyer, I knew right off the bat that the meeting was for some useless crap.
I told her, even if you do these things, you're not using the proper channels and you're actually encroaching upon the powers of the Congress. I told her, that's unconstitutional. She's pretty smart so she understood what I meant. I was supposed to work out and I only had two hours left so we bade ourselves good bye. I was of course disappointed again because I wanted to stay with her longer. But she had to go since she's leaving for Manila. She also told me that she's now working in Manila. And now, how are we going to meet up again soon? Long distance relationship? That's sad. Last night, I had a hard time going to sleep coz all I had in mind was her but was short-changed this afternoon coz all I had with her was some twenty minutes or so of some useless crap of conversation we could've used for some more useful purpose. But it has to stop and end. And now, she just left for to expand
Posted by Cancan26Well,
I'm a cancer sun scorpio moon life path 22 what does this mean .....
but more importantly way are you so sad bro? whats wrong? don't say stuff like its a "pity you didn't die"![]()
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Cancan26Well,
I'm a cancer sun scorpio moon life path 22 what does this mean .....
but more importantly way are you so sad bro? whats wrong? don't say stuff like its a "pity you didn't die"![]()
Truth of the matter is, I just as well be a ghost.
Perhaps, even better offclick to expand
Posted by TheTinMan"I get stared at." I didn't say you didn't.Posted by VCastrillonI get stared at. now how bout let's leave it at that, huh? I feel I don't owe no explanation. you nor anybody else here knows what I go thru. read up. and you'll see just what I mean about the planet Pluto and those whose infected by this intense planet. that is all.Posted by TheTinMan"dude I'm considered plutonian. we gets stared at the most." And how do you know this?Posted by VCastrillonPosted by TheTinMan"probably. I don't know. people can feel my presence." Lol, what? If you're there, physically, then your presence will register. But if you're also beautiful, then there it is. Nothing strange about that in the least.Posted by LovingSeraphinaPosted by TheTinManOh ok so it's just psychical aesthetics then?Posted by LadyNeptuneno. it has happened. plenty times. at restaraunts, gas stations, hotels, airports you name it.Posted by TheTinManAnd you 'sense' all these heads turning?Posted by LadyNeptunepeople do stare at me first. and i stare back. I would never stare at no one if they not staring at me. the fact of the matter is I'm beautiful and pleasant for anybody to look at. I draw attention everywhere I go. if I walk into a small room full of people all heads will sure to turn. you would turn your head too if I walk in a restaurant you're dining in. that's how powerful my aura is.Posted by TheTinManSo your basing this off of a 'sense'. Seems airtight.Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by TheTinManHow do you know they are staring if your not looking at them. That defies logic.Posted by LadyNeptunepeople stare at me even when I'm not looking at them. it's just that I'm beautiful and pleasant to look at.
If you notice someone staring that means that you are in turn looking at them. Some might even say 'staring' at them.
In response to your thread question, its all in your head.![]()
if i so much as just walk pass anybody just minding my own business they'll stare at me. some stare as if they wanna murder me. those are either Scorpio Sun's or risings. most of them gives those creepy vibes. you can easily sense those types LadyNeptune. and only then I'll wait till I'm far away to turn my head and look right back at them.Is that it??
probably. I don't know. people can feel my presence.
dude I'm considered plutonian. we gets stared at the most. people can actually feel our presence. no one else will get heads turning had it been anyone else with another planetary ruler. going by astrology.
"people can actually feel our presence. no one else will get heads turning had it been anyone else with another planetary ruler. going by astrology." If you're basing this only on astrology, then you might be looking for what isn't there. It might explain the experiential difference between "I'm simply strolling along, not paying any attention" and how you can register and specify not only stares but the quality of the stares.
Pluto works both ways. If you've been close to Scorpios or other Plutonian people, you know that, to expand
Posted by cornmaizesharkYou said I win.Posted by MrFirebirdLose what?Posted by cornmaizesharkActually, you lose.
By the way, I'm a Pisces sun Scorpio moon. Life path 11.
I to expand