Keeps coming back

Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by GoldenFlower
Why do Virgos come back? I mean do they like the power they have over the person who keeps aceppting them back? They say they'll change but keep acting the same.
I thought people were lying when they said virgos come back... but I'm a Taurus and maybe I can help you understand the "space" issue... I looooooove space. I hate talking on the phone but I will text perfusely. I will see a text that needs to be answered but don't feel like clicking it and opening it to answer... I do this not on purpose but because I rather do something else, it really has nothing to do with the person... I feel virgos are the same in some regard to this. I go on bout my business and do me always and boom he pops up, I don't live each day keeping open spaces for them... he said he'll change? If there's no actions continue doing you and don't give if he's not giving. Life to short to be doing this... he leaves and do his thing you should do the same.
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This is so me lol

I will get phone calls and not answer them but watch them ring until it stops.

I will see my text messages on my phone but won't open them.

I think to myself I will respond back later. I go about my day and get side tracked. 3 days later I say shit I didn't respond and act like nothing happen when I see the person.

Related Messages

Posted by Scorpino
@Aquarius3189 oh that's unusual for a scorpio woman, most scorpios are really driven and passionate to an obsessive extent sometimes. ?

that is way im so curious about her chart,i read somewhere in one of her aspect i think or its that sagittarius in her that she tends to wait for something good to happen,not create it,life isnt like that you need to put action to make something good happen
Posted by hydorah
It's a pity he's such a white supremacist though
No he isnt. Dont say that.
I used to have that feeling of not really belonging anywhere (neptune in the 1st). In my early to mid 20s, I felt like I was barely anchored in this reality (underactive root chakra ?). My current mindset is: navigate in this world even if you're barely attached to it. Who knows what tomorrow will bring ?

And yeah there's a lot of shallowness in the air (says the Libra !). Maybe some of us are just here to do our own thing and watch people bullshit and (ab)use each other.

"I don't like you/them but I'll hang with you/them because it's better than being alone"

"I claim to be your friend but I'd sleep with your S/O without a second thought"

"I'm stroking your ego and I definitely expect the "favor" to be returned"

"I have more 'friends'/followers on social media than you. This means I'm better than you !"

Just lol @ civilized people in this day and age. And I don't wanna be part of this "tell me what I wanna hear, not what you (really) think" nonsense.

Last but not least.. Sufis: the people of the path vol 2 by Osho. I have the feeling this book will speak to you. Reading it atm and it's a gem.
Scorpio women should do themselves and us cancer men a favor and leave us alone.
Posted by Capmercury87
Do you feel like you don't belong anywhere you go?

What placements are you sure is connected to this?

I'm going to guess sun conjunct Chiron.
Posted by ScorpionKnight
Posted by Kemetisinme
I used to have that feeling of not really belonging anywhere (neptune in the 1st). In my early to mid 20s, I felt like I was barely anchored in this reality (underactive root chakra ?). My current mindset is: navigate in this world even if you're barely attached to it. Who knows what tomorrow will bring ?

And yeah there's a lot of shallowness in the air (says the Libra !). Maybe some of us are just here to do our own thing and watch people bullshit and (ab)use each other.

"I don't like you/them but I'll hang with you/them because it's better than being alone"

"I claim to be your friend but I'd sleep with your S/O without a second thought"

"I'm stroking your ego and I definitely expect the "favor" to be returned"

"I have more 'friends'/followers on social media than you. This means I'm better than you !"

Just lol @ civilized people in this day and age. And I don't wanna be part of this "tell me what I wanna hear, not what you (really) think" nonsense.

Last but not least.. Sufis: the people of the path vol 2 by Osho. I have the feeling this book will speak to you. Reading it atm and it's a gem.
Nice...and no i'm not just stroking your ego...i genuinely agree...
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Lol ok.

Posted by SentimentalCrabby
I want to know about you Leo Moons!

1.) Like what pisses you off!

2.) What are you like in relationships!

3.) How would you handle a situation when you're under pressure or have a problem

4.) when you get cheated on

5.) What kind of significant other would you look into for personality wise

6.) When someone does you wrong do you get even or you let it go? (Cause nobody got time for that)

1. Being ignored, being iced out, manipulation, people trying to one up me...

2. Needy... But only when I feel like I'm losing the person... But willing to go to war for the person I love... Just be in my corner.

3. I feel as if My Sag sun gives me a composed demeanor.. Kind of Dramatic when hurt though.

4. Got cheated on last relationship, a lot lot lot. Kind of made me mad insecure and I'm still recovering. (I see why we are super prideful... a wounded lioness is the worst)

5. After what I been through... someone to take me serious and loyal. And a good person... Not everyone is genuine, and I just would love for me to be able to be vulnerable again... seriously.

6. Let it go.. Im way more sensitive than you would know...

Twice in three months?

Is this dating, friendship, FWB, relationship?
This one ain't listening ?
Posted by ScorpionKnight
All of my Scorpio placements....i don't explain my thoughts or feelings to anyone anymore since most people just look at me as if i'm from mars...which coincidentally is in scorpio?...
Why the angry face? Would being from Mars be so terrible?