Keeps coming back

Posted by RomanticGhostLoaf
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by RomanticGhostLoaf
Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
Interesting the Virgo I'm seeing/friends with is also sun and Venus in virgo... he's flaked on me and I backed off and then he's back days later... like he never left and I'm like, huh? I've decided not to try to figure it out and if it's meant to be it will and if he wants to pursue more then he'll just keep popping up until I either find someone or we end up together... I'm a Taurus and I'm slow but virgos take the cake
Yeah, I mean this guy ghosted on me back in August and now is back. Almost a year later... I'm keeping him at arm's length atm, because he disappeared without even saying a word, and like yours, now he's acting like it never happened? Weird.

I'm an aries sun w/taurus venus, so I'm quite slow and cautious in love - don't think I scared him away.

I'd make your virgo work for it, keep him at arm's length a bit. They seem to often have a lot of emotional issues which is fine if you're up for dealing with that kind of thing, I'm not really... I'm gathering they get more interested in distant women that they have to work a bit for, as they get suspicious when things are too nice and easy, but I don't know. Hope your virgo/virgo sorts himself out..!

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Yes I shall let him work a little. Yes the more distant I am the more he sticks around so I've learned to back off and take it easy. Plus I'm slow anyways and cautious since my last relationship (I'm a Taurus and it's in our nature to be slow) would love for him to come on to me more but I guess in due time.

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She literally broke up with me in the middle of a restaurant.
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by Teena
Me duh!!
How did you find this 3 year old post? lol

Becoming like @secret
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Lol! I just randomly decided to put an end to 3year old suspense ?
You guys are feeding a troll.


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Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Teena
Me duh!!
Nikkiiiiii!!! Hug Hug Big Grin
YEAAAAAAAAA where have you been!?!?!?!?!?!
Traveling to say the least!!

How have you been???? Big Grin
Traveling where????

Good. Glad you are back Big Grin @Secret said you were on a time out lol

How have you been???
I've been to New York (actually Jersey but visited NewYork) last I'm in India. I'll probably be here for a while.

N timeout?? Lol! I wish!! Been busier than ever ?
Noooo!!! Wut????You are in Jersey??? You were in London ... weren't you?? When did you move to Jersey????
I've never been to London teenaaaaaa ???? I've always lived in the US Queens for 15 years and jersey for 15. I bet you were in my town too ? cause I live in the most densely populated brown area
Omg LOL!!! Why did I even assume you live in London?? Did you ever mention you met Tiz?? That's probably the reason I thought you live there! I think it was Harrison.. I'm not sure... I remember Harrison​ n East Newark!! Is that where..?? ?
Nope never met tiz. Teena you were legit 20 mins from me ?? did you have fun tho? Did you also go to Hoboken?
Wth omg 20mins??!!! Daaaamn!!!Now I hate myself!! We could have actually met!!! I should have told you when I'm leaving that I'm actually traveling ?? Why god why?

No.Not been to Hoboken..but I went to Delaware.
It's ok teen teen maybe next time. Did you go to Brooklyn cause you're super close to the city too! I'm just glad you're back here Big Grin Hug
I may probably come for my friend's graduation again ..good possibility?I wanna go to LA next time tho. You interested????And haven't been anywhere else..just these places I mentioned. It wasn't a planned vacation. I was not sure if I could meet my friend again anytime I just had to go.

Glad to see you too Taureye ?❤️?
Yeah lemme know! I'm gonna be moving to North Carolina though next week but I'll be visiting Jersey every so often so whenever you visit we can try to work something out! I would definitely go to California, it's such a beautiful state you're not gonna go back home teena ?
I sure will.Just don't disappear on me before that!!! STAY IN TOUCH!!!

Lol!That's awesome! Been wanting to visit it since long! It's ok if I don't wanna come back. I know you'd keep me..or @dreamyboy would Tongue Big Grin

Hurry I'm waiting for you in Cali !! ?
Not scamming for a green card tho?
Of course not! Your coming for love and hugs right?! ?
Good boy!!! You learn quick Tongue
Good boy??!!! How dare you! ? I'd spank you if you were here !!
Lol!! Sure!! Are you an ass man?
I'm more of a titty man but I still looooove ass ? why? You got hella ass?? ?
Look who's acting all innocent Tongue
But I am innocent beb I swear ??? you should know me already ?
Lol!! I wish I could unlearn how wild you are ?
How am I wild? ? I have heart eyes for one woman. But she's busy in India and playing with my emotions ! ?

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And sleeping with some random gemini woman yeah???
Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
Since we wont ever get to judge the finally two I have a an pm I told liv that @sakuraflowers was iffy on being trusted and quoted cc where she said sakura flowers was trustworthy and I said thats not my experience that was about something that was happening OUTSIDE the game.. But was later cleared up..

I don't know if it affected her spot in the game but I was wrong and I'm sorry I already apologized privately but I'm also a big enough person to do it publically too

Also confessing things to nights is super therapeutic
Posted by nikkistar
You guys are feeding a troll.


If you cant be nice please dnt make me feel worst as a person
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Goodtimes
Posted by Gemitati

If so, it's possible you or your special someone may eventually drift off into the misty sunset?

The last card you selected was the Magician; that is the ability to manifest what you want. You have the swords, pentacles, cups, and fire in the picture. Generally speaking however, the Magician represents more than one person in a union, and since it's one of the 22 destiny cards, it appears your lover or you will continue to have another person in their life for the duration of this year. Minor Arcanas are weak cards and can shift quickly, but Majors are not mutable they have a permanence to them usually ruled by astrological influences. I don't see him running off into the sunset because Magician represents being extremely interested in someone despite having a permanent romantic partner.

I appreciate your reading.

I know that nothing is changing for us for another few years.

I am just waiting and praying.

If you can and wish - would you do a reading for me? Just if you wish. Thanks
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Go to faç, or Llewelyn tarot select a reading and post your cards. One of us will interpret.

The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
This game wont have a winner

From overly emotional players

to unneeded topics like someones grandparents

to a person still mad about being pulled off the jury for cheating a year ago

and people not in the game but mad about a mafia game 2 months ago

to people upset about a gemini finding out about an affair

from people cheating with the clues out of the game but won't admit to it

From a jury that doesnt know how to stop talking

to people going as far as to call people out of the game by phone

and people continuously getting way too personal instead of focusing on the actual game

DXP is just way too emotional these days.

This game is way too complicated and layered for the small minds of DXP

And I won't be hosting anything else including DXPIL

but congratulations on wasting 2 weeks of your life!

To be fair I don't care about the Gemini finding about the affair. I just don't care for her. And I don't trust her. And she was mean in the beginning of the game. So she was voted off?