pisces male crushing on virgo female, how to let her know im interested?

Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by -Flo-
Posted by Jules-ll
Are you seriously dating an Aqua? I can't imagine that being satisfying on any level unless you like the freedom and lack of soul bonding. Curious what sign are your venus and moon?

One of my best guy friends is a Pisces, we have a psychic connection and just get each other naturally. Love spending time with him, we have the deepest conversations sometimes without needing to speak much!

As for being interested in someone involved in a long term relationship? Not going to happen with me, but I'm greedy that way and need my own man. Not judging, just my own philosophy...

Wtf.. I'm with a Pisces right now and you possibly couldn't even understand our connection. You've obviously never met an Aquarius with Pisces placements.

From your posts you don't come across very Aqua-like at all tbh. No offense intended...


Other Aquarians don't even take me seriously..

I can see that, you have a lot of water right? I grew up with 3 Aquas, you seem nothing like them... You're more like my Pisces sister that has a lot of air in her chart. Smug
I have one dominant water placement, fire moon and the rest Air.

I don't know why I come off watery and sensitive to other people, I can't see my own words when I type. I thought I seemed very much aqua though regardless of placements.

My life is a lie. ?
click to expand

Nah, you just let your feelings show which to me is so much healthier than my Aqua sister who always acts like everything is cool when you know it's not....