Still remaining calm -- at least, on the outside. So, here's my tirade--sorry...
I haven't said anything more about the card to him, but neither has he. What the heck? The day it happened, he agreed that he understood why I would be thinking what I was thinking. How about some reassurance here? Did I mention I'm the size of a circus tent right now! Almost 7 months pregnant. So, here we are ignoring the HUGE issue that's hanging in the air. I'm having trouble ignoring an issue like this. I want to scream "FU, prove to me nothing is going on"..I know, childish, but honest.
Yes, most people don't have issues initiating..I have done so in past relationships, but I was never with someone that was so bothered by the fact that I didn't initiate much. But with our situation so far gone, it's become so difficult. Here's my tantrum: I want my old scorpioman back, the way he used to be in the beginning.
To answer an earlier question, yes, we hold hands and hug alot, usually initiated by him. He's usually at the door when I get home from work (he gets home before I do) and hugs/kisses me everyday. He asked me once to "throw him a bone"..well, I did. I clearly told him that I would not do most of the sexual initiating in the relationship -- I handle plenty of other areas of our relationship and I look out for him.
No, I'm not a gushy hallmark card but I have his back, get him a blanket, take him to doctor's office, check on him when he's having a really bad day, send him text messages that say "hi, thinking of u", held his hand/heart when his brother/sister/father all passed away, I make sure our finances are in order and don't blow our $ $ and look out for our future.
May sound boring but I think these are some of the reasons as to why he's with me. I was attracted to him because he was the "I Love You" guy -- said it all the time and showed it, showed up at my work with flowers, initiated sex all the time and is very affectionate. Yes, he provided what I needed/wanted , was opposite from the way that I show love. Then, he changes it up by saying to me "hey, when will you be more like me?" HUH?? There's no changing allowed darnit!! LOL.