I so bad

LOL @ Aqua...You don't have to defend the whole of the aqua nation..some are ass lickers I guess Tongue

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im a cancer female dating a pisces male .. How do you get a pisces out of their bad moods? Im normally more moody but in this relationship i feel like im the motivator and one cheering him up alot. I usually comfort him and then play music he likes and that works.. but he always returns to thinking about the things that make him upset. I definitely get that "click" feeling with him.. We understand eachother like no one else can.. but sometimes i feel like i know him so well i have no clue where i start and he ends. So anyway back to my question.. what are the best ways to comfort a piscean guy?
lol. there's no technical name for it or anything... lower peninsula is just common for Michigaaaanders.
idk.. astrology just outlines a personality.. it doesnt say exactly what theyll do.. i just started dating this guy. I know alot of pisces guys though and one thing about them is they always look for the storybook love. So infidelity may occur. It depends on the guy though.
you're right... it is funny... but a vast improvement to what it was about a decade ago.
though, i suppose its hard to do anything but 'improve' when you're that crap. lol
"If there's a meeting of the minds, I don't mind either hairy or hairless."
There is a lot of things that I find sexy. If the man that I have chosen to be with has a hairy chest, then I would no doubt find him sexy still. But, looking at pictures or imagining / creating the perfect man, then I would definitely have to choose hairless. From a purely aesthetic and visual perspective, I find hairy to be a turn off, but I do not disregard the fact that sex appeal for me is FAR more than purely aesthetic or visual.
"I don't have a preference, but I do NOT like shaved chests. That is a huge turn-off. Whatever they come with naturally, is fine."
Hmmmm... I have only been with hairless (chested) men that are naturally hairless (not to say that I haven't been with hairy chested men). Never been with one that has shaved their chest. I didn't think at first that I would like a shaved...ummmm, nether regions (I wax) but, after giving it a go, I have to say I find it...fun. I am not quite sure I would mind a shaved chest. I'm game to give it a whirl if that is their thing, but I don't think that I would ask them to do it. When I am attracted to someone, I am attract to everything about them, and I would like to think that would include their body hair (or lack there of), as you said.
my family is moving there in a couple months... trying really hard to get me to move there as well, but nah... i'm headin out to the west coast smile
Phoenix looks like a boomin' place... i just wish there were a little more grass and deciduous life. The dust really kills it for me. Cant say that I know much about the heat. It gets hot in San Jose, Cali... to the point where you just cant move, but i'm sure it's probably worse in Pheonix.
There is no specific set of traits or actions.. it's just something you know after a few minutes.
sheesssshhh... down to 90 at 3am?? and yet somehow my dog got fat out there. probably from not being able to move in the heat, eh? Tongue Well... ya it does get hot. And i know what you're saying about the heat when it drops below 70... how easily we are spoiled by warm weather.
Cost of living is indeed a racket. I lived there for a couple years and there was hardly a soul that i'd met who didnt have one steady paycheck along with one or two other businesses or investments they were pushing on the side. Shakers and movers indeed, but they're all fun. It makes you believe in your own original ideas, because people are bound to be interested. Perhaps so that you might in turn be interested in what they've got going. lol You get swept up into the cali bohemian life. taste a bit of everything in the network. lol