I so bad

"She has no reason to lie,sillybilly"
hahahah Big Grin

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Numerous studies have demonstrated the validity of the minimal group theory; which in so many words, means that humans are shown to be biased toward individuals belonging to their ingroup on some element of categorization. Henry Tajfel was the first psychologist to prove this. In a now famous experiment, he randomly seperated people into two groups based on whether they preferred the paintings of Klee or Kandinsky. And the result of the experiment was that, being placed in a minimal group such as that, was enough to foster a bias toward those in the same group. There are a lot of implications to these experiments, in terms of effective methods for reducing discrimination (cognitive and social), but it's 5 in the morning so maybe I'll write more on it tomorrow. But I will say that while we all discriminate in one form or another (such as based on taste in music, life aspirations, gender, ethnicity, etc., etc. ), studies also suggest that some people have a tendency to discriminate more than others. Though humans can't escape discriminating in one way or another because people necessarily use categories to process all of the stimuli surrounding them. Prejudice becomes an issue because everything people perceive is subjectively interpreted and thus, these categories are at some point given meaning from various sources; the media, music, family/friends, past experiences. Though we tend to be prejudiced only when a category is salient or important to us. For example, I may not be prejudiced in the most commonly referred to ways, but if a person's philosophy on life is important to me, then I may end up being prejudiced against individuals whose perspective on life differ greatly from mine. It all depends on what categories are salient to you). The interesting question I think, is what are the underlying, subconscious reasons why people feel compelled, almost instinctively, to prefer those in their ingroup (whatever it may be). I have my theories, but what do you all think?
Sometimes I just hate being in another time zone, I miss out on all the fun !
Chemistry - what happens when you add heat to air & water - some serious steam.
Long term, the other planetary placements really help. We share an Aqua rising. I have my moon in Pisces and his is in Scorpio, so we deal well emotionally too. We took note of the areas that we would clash according to our combined charts astro.com, and it's pretty accurate. Any realationship is hard work, but Aqua-Pisces is sure to have firworks.
Hey I am glad that it is not over.
But one thing I am curious about: You say that you and him flirted during the lunch the other day. So why did you say later that you were glad you could still be friends? Now he's going to think that is what you want.
My moon is in Pisces and my rising is Aqua, I am finding as I get older, I can hide my moon feelings behind my rising sign when it suits me.
LMAO - I needed that !
I hate Scorpios..they atrocious people.
Venus in Capricorn
You keep your feelings under control, and at times you may find it difficult to make friends. This is because you express your feelings more seriously than most people your age. However, make sure that your relationships are not based solely on what others can do for you.
You are not self-indulgent and you can control your desires quite well. You will plan very carefully how to be rather thrifty. You are at your best doing everything in moderation.
Mars in Taurus
You work carefully and rather slowly, but your results are almost always good, because your thoroughness makes up for lack of speed. You are also quite stubborn and will resist anyone's efforts to speed you up.
You have a strong desire to own things, and your possessions are very important to you. If you decide you want something, you will work very hard to get it.
You may have a problem with jealousy, tending to be very possessive of the people you love. You have to allow your friends some independence, or you will lose them.
Anger can be a problem for you, because you have difficulty expressing it until it builds to the point that you lose control. The problem is that other people may try to take advantage of your apparent patience, not realizing that you are really angry. It is up to you to let them know how you feel
True for me, and that?s all that counts!! Seriously, i?ve yet to meet a nice one. Its a shame for sure, but thats how its gone for me so far...! I refer to the male Scorps by the way, i have one female Scorp friend, on the Libra cusp and she?s a swetie.
sweetie...i just made her sound sweaty, ewww
No,,we beat around the bush, we'll give clues,,back off, and want you to read between the lines..and we get hurt if you dont get the hint..