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Jul 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 874 · Topics: 121
oh, and the 7th chakra = space...Zodiac =stars in space?
Connecting to scape?
hmmm. sounds simalir doesn't it?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
How much commission has he paid you to do this....
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Keep stirring you two...someone might give you the reaction you require...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Blings just a jealous northern hater..them folk are miserable about everything..
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You know, as much as this hurts you right now, Scopiogoat is right .. a fast hard punch is better than slow torture. Actually, this probably isn't the time and place, but, I really admire the fact that you have the strength and were able to put on a happy face and entertain your guests. That kind of fortitude is impressive, FFV .. it shows just what kind of stuff you're made of ..
Secretly, my evil side is hoping that he saw just how marvelous you managed and was envious as hell ..
After you've gotten yourself back to the place where you're comfortable, come back. Change your name to something fun and spirited .. this isn't goodbye, it's "later".
** HUGS **
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Mine are almost glacial...dark brown..
Actually twice now, 2 guys (friends) with venus in Scorpio (in particular) have said that my eyes tell a story..The exact words were "It seems as though you have everything yet nothing, so what is it thats missing. Your eyes are giving it away"...
Hmmm..The first time it happened I shrugged it off, but for someone to say the exact same thing again..both of them have Venus in Scorpio..
I do have the feeling of having everything yet nothing..Restless, forever on a quest for something unbeknown to me..But the above comment can be inferred as loneliness. Which is not really the case..I get down days, but generally I am a very happy person..I am confused but anywhos..I really didn't think my eyes gave it away...And trust only Venus in Scorpio guys to pick that up!!!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
theskaboss, when are the two birthdays? If you give those dates, someone can look this up for you and tell you how well the two of you should be compatible.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
No, I saw the one where Yvette was possessed.
My favorite one, well, there's two .. one where the tall dresser wobbled and the one in an asylum where the sliding table kept coming out.
Some of it might be staged, but, the ones where the orbs are passing by a person's neck or chest is likely real, since that's where orbs generally float.
I don't know his name, but, the other man with the dark hair, who's always there .. I like him the best.
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Nov 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
scopiogoat: It usually work like that. When you are really ready to get a closure, the universe helps to get you one.
I totally agree with you. This has happened to me on several occasions throughout my life. It is true that the universe is always working on our behalf and we should have trust on that the things will eventually turn out for the best. You know what that means FFV? There is something wonderful coming up for you. Somethng so big and amazing that you will have no pain left, in fact, you'll be happy that it did not work out with him. Just be patienet and maintain your trust. And let us know when it happens!
How often do you go into a withdrawal mode? I guess I just don't understand waiting 2 weeks to call someone back, however it seems that that was the time frame for this Cappy. Now the interesting part is going to be him responding to my phone call on Friday inviting him to dinner this upcoming Saturday. I asked him to let me know by Wednesday. Dollars to donuts I don't hear from him. Even if his intentions are good in my opinion that would show a lack of class, rude and downright unacceptable in my book. It would also show a lack of respect. If a gentlemen left the same message for you how would you repond? My daughter is a Cap and I know she hates the telephone and doesn't call back unless specifically asked to for a specific reason. I asked her why and her comment was "if I had wanted to talk to them I would have made the call". I guess this makes sense but it sounds so unsocial. She's married so she may see things differently. My brother is also a Cap and his behavior is terrible. He waits at least 2-3 weeks before returning my call if there is no specific timeframe required. The more I read the more I question whether I really won't to get involved. This seems like a lot work and guessing games. As a Scorpio I need someone who keeps their fingers on the pulse. Not someone who doesn't return calls and disappears for long periods of time. I just don't get it. If you are really interested in a guy and he calls frequently do you take the calls or wait days or weeks to call. I do remember reading the book called "He's just not into you". Specifically it mentions if he doesn't call, he's not into you. Wow....does this apply to Cappys?