Posted by -Flo-
Posted by EvatheDiva
Posted by -Flo-
I always wonder if I'm too much for Pisces, he said I can be intense in showing affection. It was like I was standoffish/cold, and once he gave me the okay, I was full on and 100% . I try to hold back but I can't..

If I'm into you, I'm fully in. I maybe thinking too much. Having a fire moon and water Venus isn't helping when it comes to love. I want him all the time, all too myself... I'm getting possessive. Sad
You're you, as Piscean! It's a wonder why some other zodiac signs have MISERABLE lives! They don't know how to love. It's NOT a "job" for us, it's an ART! As I say, "We don't f*u*c*k (we make love)". We love with all our heart, mind, body, and soul + we have a "6th sense" no OTHER zodiac sign has!! Lucky us who ARE Piscean! Drinks Cheers!

Hug cyber hugs!


Yes this is exactly how I feel.. I can't help how I feel or control my emotions once I let that person know. He makes me happy, it's been great.

I'm going to keep showering him with love until he tells me to stop or doesn't like it. Thanks Eva ?
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Hug cyber hugs!

