Crybaby & Cold feet

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Yuck, but why
I was telling @gemitati that I just met an Aquarius and I just want to know whether or not we have potential or am i still wasting my time.
Ok! You've just met him. What potential are you talking about? Does he even know you? Why are you rushing?

How old are you btw?
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18 and I don't want things to blossom if they won't work out! I hate having to start over all the time

Change History

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Yuck, but why
I was telling @gemitati that I just met an Aquarius and I just want to know whether or not we have potential or am i still wasting my time.
Ok! You've just met him. What potential are you talking about? Does he even know you? Why are you rushing?

How old are you btw?
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18 and I don't want ghkngs to blossom if they won't work out! I hate having to start over all the time

Related Messages

Posted by SillyScorp89
Before we were married he was also social but I thought he was gling to be more serious once committed. Because once married things are supposed to change and there are boundaries when it comes to the opposite sex. It's common sense! But I guess he's mentality is different than mine. He talks to males too. It's not just females but I still don't understand the need to talk to many women, especially new women he doesn't know. I guess him and I are completely different people with different mindsets. I might have to work on communicating more with him. If that doesn't work I'll try counseling. I'm 28 and my husband is 36
Did you tell him your position on his flamboyance? Doesn't he feel your skin crawling when he touches you?

Is he totally unaware?

Will you be able to go back loving him if counseler will make him stop his actions?

btw, my farther is an aqua. he is a fantastic farther and i love him so much but i don't respect that his bffs are always women, younger women lol. i'd never partner up with a man like that lol
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
You lost me at Scorpio married to an Aquarius, Why? Sounds very painful
Sounds kinky
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Could be........except for the 'marriage' part


sun/moon in water houses
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by CrabNextDoor
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
How do you know he's being self-conscious about the haircut?
He's wearing a hat and keeps rubbing the back of his neck. Those are self conscious knacks! Why????
Probably very heavy Virgo placements.
I do not know honestly. Haven't made it that far I don't want to come off a creepy stalker!
In the Virgo world, there is no such thing as a "creepy stalker".

There is only fascination.
Yea right, so if I asked him what's his birthday he'd be fine with telling me? y'all barely even like talking!
First off, does he even acknowledge you exist?

2nd. Point me to the direction you get your info from, I would like to understand Virgos too.

Yea we speak sometimes whenever I'm not in a bad mood and I get my info from just everywhere you, the horoscope posts, this website, you make it sound wrong....

You're a woman, he's a man.

I'm pretty sure you have some hunch on how to make him feel better about almost anything.

Be more confident, you can do it.

I like your spunk! But lol no. Not to be cheesy but I lose all sense of speech and thought when he's around my brain becomes all jumbled up and I forget everything!

Hah. That's gotta count for something).

Any idea if he goes the same way?

Sometimes when he sees me he just stared at me and sometimes he'll speak. But I'm not sure really.

The Virgo stare, huh.

Good thing he opens his mouth once in a while.

Ever tried asking him to go do something?
Like what go to the library where he can sacrifice me to a kkk cult or Satan??
Nah, he'll do the sacrificing for you if he finds you suitable lol.

I mean go do somethin both of y'all enjoy, get to know each other better etc.

Breaking the ice is a bish....but someones gotta do it.

Well just saying I read somewhere that Virgos like to be in charge and I should wait until they make the first move.

I like your style .

Doing everything by the book lol.

Keep your eyes open for signals, they can very confusing and most people can't even pick up on them

but they're there.
You could just tell me that way I'd know for sure!!
Tell you what?
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The signs Sawyer! What to look for and what to expect!

A dude likes you? Taurus, Sag, Virgo, Gem, and Aqua....Cancer (only one, he was obsessed)

Friend circle? Scorpios, Aquas, Aries, Taurus, Virgo
Posted by Shadowcat
Posted by SillyScorp89
Before we were married he was also social but I thought he was gling to be more serious once committed. Because once married things are supposed to change and there are boundaries when it comes to the opposite sex. It's common sense! But I guess he's mentality is different than mine. He talks to males too. It's not just females but I still don't understand the need to talk to many women, especially new women he doesn't know. I guess him and I are completely different people with different mindsets. I might have to work on communicating more with him. If that doesn't work I'll try counseling. I'm 28 and my husband is 36
If you trusted him, honestly it wouldn't be an issue. Both my current boyfrienf and I have friends of the opposite sex, it's about trust.
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Her gut feeling is what she needs to listen to

Posted by SweetestFatale
Posted by jeane
Posted by SweetestFatale
Well I've broke up with him. I realize that despite him professing his love, his actions were very superficial. I care for him, wanted to love him, but couldn't. He probably sensed my hesitation, but the fact that we couldn't find the balance of show and tell...I'm fine with it.
So do you think that even though you felt you loved him when you started this thread that when you thought about it you didn't and that's why you couldn't say it?

Not judging. Sincere question.
No, it wasn't my thoughts that made me realize I didn't love him. It was him.

Also replying to the "maybe he was scared...". Someone being scared is a perfectly good explanation for someone NOT wanting to be in a relationship, but it doesn't make sense to me as a reason for someone ask to be in a relationship then basically just BE there but do nothing.

Quality time and sitting in a room at the same time are 2 different things. What started as quality time turned into being in a room at the same time. It was entirely too soon for that vibe.

I think now that it takes time for my feelings to build and I wanted to respond to his, but they just weren't established and now I realize it was because there was something missing. A certain depth and it didn't seem like he was at all interest in cultivating that. I think he loved the comfort and peace of the circumstances more than he actually loved me.
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Hey, SweetestFatale. Have you ever been in a happy relationship in your life? What's the longest you stayed in a relationship? Also which has been the best compatibility so far in your life? With which sign did you find yourself staying the longest? I'm asking this from personal interest because I relate so much with your personality. I'm also an Aries/Taurus cusper (April 22) and I have Moon in Capricorn (which has made all my life to be a robot lol). For things to be even weird, these days I'm sorta dating a Capricorn man too (December 25) and the dynamics look pretty close to what you described until this point when you announced you broke things off.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Why did you dump him?

I was already overwhelmed by the financial burden alone while I was waiting on him to get on his feet and he was very disconnected emotionally and we weren't having sex so I ended up finding text messages of him flirting with other women so that sent me over the edge and I got tired of it and ended it one day hoping he'd get his stuff together one day. I just go tired of being unappreciated
Posted by taurusgirl9000
I have a Taurus Sun, Aqua Moon, Scorpio Mars, Aries Venus... I find that I get bored in relationships pretty quick and need to really make an effort to work through this boredom.

I am not the "dating" type, therefore I'm usually in a long relationship or single and not looking.

Anyone else?
I'm gonna sound like a real jerk right now, but personally I never found someone THAT interesting as a personality that would keep me interested enough. In this sense I admit that I get bored quickly too. I mean... sometimes I find my own personal hobbies and interests more interesting than guys I met in my life. Maybe I still didn't find that one guy that has the same level of depth as me, I don't know.