How long is too long when a Taurus guy doesn't text?

Posted by Gemitati

So when/if he comes back and she has another man - he will be WTF?

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Before my dad passed, he sent me one of the Messiah's quotes

"Above all things, have intense love for one another"

You don't need a Church to practise this.....
Posted by iCloud9
btw, my farther is an aqua. he is a fantastic farther and i love him so much but i don't respect that his bffs are always women, younger women lol. i'd never partner up with a man like that lol
So he is young at heart!

How is Mom reacting?
Stop obsessing over someone/sth.?

Stop longing for someone/sth.?

How to give up on sth.?

How not to give a f**k?

How to be more detached?

How not to be so sensitive?

How to be numb?

Beside the obvious resolution to all the above (to kill yourself), is there another?

I kinda hope air dominant people will help me here, all the help is appreciated, since I'm losing my mind.

Or maybe fellow scorpios will, those who have mastered their emotion. I haven't. I'm an emotional bomb going off any minute.

Thank you.
Posted by blackphase
Trying so hard to refrain from trolling..

It's soo hard !!!!

Quick, someone hold me back!

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Don't you dare.

I have an alternative for you. One sec.

Posted by -Flo-
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by -Flo-
I always wonder if I'm too much for Pisces, he said I can be intense in showing affection. It was like I was standoffish/cold, and once he gave me the okay, I was full on and 100% . I try to hold back but I can't..

If I'm into you, I'm fully in. I maybe thinking too much. Having a fire moon and water Venus isn't helping when it comes to love. I want him all the time, all too myself... I'm getting possessive. Sad

Don't you have Inconjunct moons? That can mean emotionally you misunderstand each other

Aries moon and Scorpio moon.

I just asked he said he likes it but I can't help but have doubts.
click to expand

Posted by Coby
I totally agree. As a Gemini we refuse to feed into insecurities. I had a Scorpio ex that can't get enough ego boosting
Scorpios no good until after 40.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
I already read that description EVA it's a stupid description. I want Leo Suns with Taurus Moons to explain their thought process, what they want out of life, and who they are.

Yeah, but you gotta have patience, doing this when I have time; kinda sorta bored at work and keeping my mind BUSY since I haven't heard from my Taurean man Crying So, I just had a chance to read this, VERY interesting! Taurean taught me these words, "I ain't trippin' We both have this saying, "Live and learn"...(okay, he's fine!!!! He'll contact me). Winking

Hug cyber hugs!



PS: There are TONS of search engines: other than Google and Fire Fox
Posted by Scorpio123
I just think I'm a sinking ship who will take him down with me and I don't want this for him, I'm a single mom and I work a crappy job and he's the complete opposite of me, just don't think it's fair for me to hold on to him.

I feel like if he really saw the ugly parts of my life he'll run for the hills.
So he doesn't know you completely yet n you're scared he'd run after he comes to know n so you wanna walk away before you think that happens?

The thing is, you're not letting him go nor are you leaving him. If you really want to leave, the only choice you have is to just disappear. You said you can't leave him because you care for him. Yet you say you wanna leave him to save him.
Just pour it out. Write it down and wait for comments. This insane place is best therapy for aching hearts! Promise...
hang out with air signs more.