Confused about virgo man

Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by ChunkyTaurus
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
Posted by ChunkyTaurus
Posted by Tom_Sawyer
He's on a mission, you beautiful thing, that's what's going on.

I think water and earth doesn't mix as good as eart & earth.

I never said his wife or my ex are water signs though.

Or isn't that what you mean?


I know it's stupid to fall for a married man, Im not an idiot but I can't help my feelings can I??

You don't choose who you fall for. Or at least I don't.

Yes I showed him that vid but even BEFORE that he was acting like this.

Nah, I was laughing at the first 3 responses below mine lol,

All water suns)


I'll put it like this.

My father was married to my mother for 2 years.

He met a woman while he was married, divorced my mother soon after and married her.

They've been married now for over 24 years.

So yeah, you never know who you'll end up with, if it's meant to be.

And this was meant to be).

Oh Im sorry I didn't understand

Yes you're saying something so true.

Your story is rare, of course!

And I know many men just want p*ssy and nothing more.

But I refuse to believe they would do so much just to get one between the sheets.

I mean they could go on some app like Tinder or whatever to get laid easily.

And Im sorry your parents are devorced. That must have sucked bad time. Or maybe still does.

What signs are your parents and your dads new wife if I may ask?

(And u)
Father's a Sag, mother's a Cappy.

His wife's a Cancer.

It's all good)

Speaking as a Virgo, I wouldn't put that much effort into bedding a woman.

If I just wanted pussy, I'd find an easier way to go about it.

I'm guessing the dude you're falling for isn't stupid either, so there probably is something

going on in his head, since he's that interested in you.

Wouldn't really surprise me if he left his wife and ran to you lol

but again, you never know)

Not sure about Taurus M Virgo F connection..

But the Taurus F Virgo M one is amazing.

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