Posted by Neno2Posted by Endlessly-dreamingI am a moon in cancer too?btw that post is way too long,sum it up then i give a answer?
Hello everyone,
I have been seeing a scorpio for some time now (entering our 5th month) and this is the first time I have dated a scorpio so it's been a very good but challenging experience. He knows that I like him, and he has expressed to me that he likes me too.
Some background:
Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space. I personally don't like being ignored, but if someone tells me "I want space" or "I'm busy" I get it and I leave them alone until they contact me.
So this argument led to another discussion, which was about how he doesnt want to be in a serious relationship because he wants to be free and not have to tell me that he wants space and all. So I told him that I dont want a serious relationship if we cant have open communication. So background about the communication part, he is very discrete and mysterious with his feelings, which makes me a little insecure because I am used to people being vocal about their feelings towards me. He's expressed his feelings for me to me a few times and I have always been very receptive. So after this conversation, I have become very distant and spacey with my responses. I did this because I wanted him to put effort to see if he cares, so he showed this by double texting me, etc.
We hung out this past weekend, he went to my grad commencement, he met some of my family members and we both got pretty drunk and we talked about "us" at the end of the night. We spoke about how we aren't exclusive and about wanting a relationship etc. But I get very insecure and I told him that sometimes I don't know if he likes me the same as I do, and he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me. But what throws me off is the fact that he's very secretive, and sometimes I think he is talking to other people, like he does to me, since I know he uses the same dating app that we used when we met.but he tells me that he isnt "talking" or "hooking up" with anyone else.
Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions.
I am a Pisces/Aries cusp but according to my natal chart I am a sun in Pisces, moon in Cancer, and a rising in Cancer. If you need my other signs let me know.
Thank to expand